
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."- Walt Disney

So let's just review my year:
  1. Had pretty much the best summer of my life with my ward.
  2. Received a letter from President Uchtdorf!
  3. Found out I was going to Princeton for a conference
  4. I am flying into New York for said conference
  5. Got asked out on my first (and second!) dates
Now if that isn't the life, I honestly don't know what is. Because all of those things above have been dreams of mine for a long time and they all came true! (Now all that's left is meeting Uchtdorf. But let's not get greedy right now!) 

Things I will be doing in Washington D.C.
  • Going to Gettysburg/Philadelphia!!!!!!! (which is another thing on my bucket list!)
  • Having a full-time internship!
  • Making tons of friends and meeting incredibly awesome, successful men!
Things I will hopefully be doing in Washington D.C.:
  • Going to the Inauguration (of the first Mormon president let's hope!) 
  • Visiting Baltimore
  • Going to Annapolis
  • Visiting Mt. Vernon 
Okay let's recap how my day went yesterday:
I went to work and wasn't feeling too good because I really didn't feel like my interview went well. One of my old roommates, Kristina, texted me and asked if we wanted to go to the devotional. The devo was super incredible and all about gratitude which I was ironically grateful for. It was exactly what I needed to hear. 

In Zumba we did the "Gangam Style" dance. Which was so. much. fun. Seriously. It was one of the best Zumba classes I've been to thus far. 

I came home, watched Bones and did some reading. Linds and I ordered a Domino's pizza and I will not disclose how much we ate! I then proceeded to watch over 10 different Ellen Degeneres videos because she is just so funny! Then my friend Jess invited Berg and I to watch a movie. Did we watch a movie? Nope. We talked, went to get fro-yo at Yogurtland (which by the way, the Pumpkin Pie flavor is out which is oh so delightful!) and drove around screaming at certain indvidual's apartments. It was perfect. 

They dropped me off and I was prepared to go to bed. However, I checked my email because I always do before bed and that was when I read this:

To demonstrate how I felt when I found out you need to watch this (also sorry for the risque part at the beginning, I couldn't find one without it!):
But seriously. I screamed for nearly an entire minute. Then started crying. Then hugged everyone in sight. I called everyone! And then I ran over to Berg's apartment (aka my old apartment) and yelled "I'm going to Washington D.C." at the top of my lungs... and some girl opened her window and yelled congrats! Which totally just made this situation seriously THE best. 

Also a quick shout-out to my roommates who were totally supportive and excited for me even though it means I won't live with them next semester :( 

Anyways, life is sooooooooooooooooooo freaking fantastic right now! "I'm on top of the world," (yes that was a Bieber reference!) It also means that the rest of the semester is going to go so quickly, which is a huge plus!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


P.S. This is my song of life right now:

"I look up to the sky and now the world is mine. I've known it all my life. I made it, I made it! I used to dream about, the life I'm living now! I know that there's no doubt! I made it, I made it!"

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