
Thursday, October 11, 2012

"No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trails, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see it and appreciate it."- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Well first of all, I haven't used an Uchtdorf quote for a title in a long time, so I had to today! Second of all this quote was highly applicable today. Third of all, one of my things that brought joy to my life is the fact that President Uchtdorf will be speaking on campus on November 10. Can anyone say 'tender mercy?' After a long stressful 24 hours (details below!) I found out my favorite man in the entire world is coming to speak at my university.  HOLY MUFFINS!!!!!!!!!  Heavenly Father really does love me! I was just thinking the other day that if I could meet Uchtdorf, it would complete my dreams. Does Heavenly Father have perfect timing or what? There is a possibility that I could meet him and thus make all of my dreams in my entire world come true! Let's hope for that! :)

The past 24 hours of my life has been CRAZY. It was like in that episode where Lorelai is referred to as the "Blur." That's how crazy it has been. I won't get into specifics but just state that applying to 12 internships in less than a week, going to work for 20 hours a week and 14.5 credits of school= death. Yesterday I was on campus for 12 hours and had a sore throat and knew that I needed to write two cover statements by 5 pm today. Needless to say I was WAY stressed. Luckily for me, I went to bed early and took a sleeping pill.

I woke up today stressed out of my mind. Like that awful anxious "I literally don't know how I am going to survive this day/get everything done" type of days. However, thanks to several people (details in a few!) I made it through the day. And this is my "something that brought gratitude and joy in my life." 

Let's start with Michal. She is seriously one of the best friends I've had in my entire life. Not only does she complete understand me, but she also knows how to serve me the best! Today, she not only helped me edit my haphazardly thrown together cover statements, but she also re-did my resume, watched the desk so I could make a few trips to the internship office and drove me to a Spanish cultural activity. When I think of her I think of this quote by St. Thomas Aquinas: "There is nothing on this earth to be prized more than true friendship." She even offered if I was sick when President Uchtdorf came to carry me to Brigham Square. If that isn't true friendship, I honestly don't know what is. When I was walking with my friend Faith home, all I could think about was how many things Michal has done for me over the years including, but not limited to, taking me on multiple Target trips, bringing groceries to my house, picking up a paper, buying me cupcakes and listening to me talk about what my plan is EVERY DAY. Without her, I am pretty sure I would have jumped off a cliff two years ago. I honestly cannot believe I won't have her as my co-worker in Washington D.C because she's my rock.  Michal, I love you! You're the best! I promise I will write you an ode soon.

My family also largely helped me! When I was ready to cry yesterday on campus, my mom reminded me that I always get things done WAY before they need to be done and that I would survive. She also told me that I'm doing the right things and it will all turn out well. Later on today when I was still stressed, a quick phone call to my dad (who has these same anxious issues) helped calm me down. He reminded me that it's okay to take time for myself and remember that I will get things done. Basically, they also saved my life. My Omi also emailed and said that she and my papa could come pick me up and drive my stuff to Colorado, which was one of my stresses I was worrying about. My family is the best! :)

I came home after completing all these crazy tasks and pretty much died on the couch. But I still had this energy. So my awesome roommate Lindsey let me talk her ear off while eating graham crackers and Nutella. She also sent me an amusing text regarding Downtown Abbey! It's nice to know that people are always there for you!

Needless to say, I've learned my lesson. Even in the most stressful circumstances, there will always be "angels on earth" who help you out. Lesson number two: prayer is essential. When I woke up this morning I was super stressed but said a prayer that I would get everything done and have a more positive outlook. It was almost instant. I had this instant feeling of peace and just felt this overwhelming flow of how much Heavenly Father loves me. The days may be long, but the years are short. (This was stolen from Gretchen Rubin's "Happiness Project" which I highly suggest). Enjoy every moment, even the stressful ones because they are leading you to greatness.

Yes, this has been kind of a preachy post but seriously I don't even know how people function without the gospel in their lives. It literally breaks my heart to know that there are people out there who don't know that their Heavenly Father not only loves them but knows their specific needs and does everything in our best interest. To close, I'll share my favorite scripture (which I shared yesterday in Spanish):

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose...If God be for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:28,31

Also, President Eyring's "Where is the Pavillion" talk cures any problems you have. You can read it here. Life, though stressful at times, is great! :) If you read through this, congrats! And thanks! 

P.S.Kelly Clarkson came out with a new song and I just absolutely love it! 

"Making time for the ones that count

I'll spend the rest of my time
Laughing hard with the windows down
Leaving footprints all over town"

1 comment:

  1. Kelsey, you didn't even include how YOU are always serving me! :) I just love you so much. Thanks for being so nice to me. I love you!!! And you can always call when you are in Washington. :)
