
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"At times you may think that no one cares- but someone always does! Your Heavenly Father will not leave you to struggle alone but stands ever ready to help."- President Monson

Man oh man I just loved conference! :) I also just loved that quote from President Monson because I have truly realized that God is in the details of our lives! Seriously. I have the best roommates, family, friends, co-workers, etc. EVER!  I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this church! To quote Ann Dibb, "I am a Mormon. I know it, I live it and I love it!" How true those words are! I absolutely loved all the conference talks and I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father who finds things that I think are important are important to Him. Que suerte yo soy! (How lucky I am!) 

This past weekend I went home!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although I was only home for less than 48 hours, it was totally worth it. My friend Sara (who I've known since around we were four!) invited me to go with her to Colorado and we had an excellent road trip complete with boy band jams, discussions about my love of President Uchtdorf, Josh Groban jam sessions and creepy fog! There were also discussions about how hard it is when our non-Mormon friends make fun of Mormonism and which person would be a better serenader: Josh Groban or Michael Buble. I still don't think we know. Nonetheless, it was a good drive. 

When I got home on Friday, I hung out with my family and watched Full House. Yes. You read that right. I was watching the episode where Jess and Rebbeca find out they're having twins. Totally precious. Saturday was spent watching conference, getting my hair colored by Melanie (thanks by the way!), eating Noodles and Company and watching the Big Bang Theory with my dad. It was great! Sunday we had the opportunity to listen to more conference and eat the famous Ruth Sutton cinnamon rolls. It was the perfect weekend after all the craziness of last week! :)

Monday was just a long day. I had to tell my boss (who hired me) that I was leaving, and it was soooo sad! I have loved every second of my job and literally started crying when I realized I would have to leave it! On the more positive side, I officially registered to vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait! Also, how cool would it be if I was in D.C. when the first MORMON PRESIDENT was being inaugurated? Uh yeah, pretty flipping sweet!

Today was just one of those days where everything was irritating me from my huge headache to people taking the elevator only one floor! However, a call from my mom, some graham crackers and a rant to my roommate Lindsey pretty much cleared up everything. Although I have a gazillion things to do, I know it'll all be worth my time! My beautiful crazy Case took me to the grocery store for which I am eternally grateful. :)

As I am writing this, I am totally crying because I'm watching the end of What a Girl Wants right when Colin Firth comes in on that gondola thing and they are dancing for the Daddy/Daughter dance. I seriously love this movie. It might be embarrassing, but it's true. Colin Firth= my celebrity father. So that's my embarrassing confession number two for the day. I am still looking into different internships and am getting more and more excited to go to D.C. Now onto some pictures: 

Beautiful Colorado at sunset!
Linds, Marisa and I! They made me a congratulatory cake!
The cute cake and flowers my roommates gave me!

Anyways, I also came across the cutest video from Disney called "I am a princess." It's only a minute and a half but I absolutely adore it. It helps remind me that I am a daughter of God!

Life is great! Lots of things going on right now, but it will all be worth it!

My song of the week is "Don't Give Up (You are Loved)." I absolutely adore listening to this song because a. Josh Groban's voice is like butter sliding down hot toast  b. I love the lyrics and c. I can totally just hear Heavenly Father saying these things and I just imagine it from that perspective. 

"Everybody wants to be understood
Well I can hear you
Everybody wants to be loved

Don't give up
Because you are loved"

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