
Monday, December 6, 2010

"There are two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -Albert Einstein

So the reason I chose the above quote is because lately I've realized all the miracles in my life that I have received. For example:

My Family- Seriously, could I ask for a better family to come from? Not only do I have the greatest parents on earth, I also have a great extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I am so thankful for them and believe them to be miracles in my life. Many of them have helped me on my journey in ways they probably do not even know.

My Friends- Friends are very important to a college girl who lives 480 miles away from her home and family. Since attending BYU, I have not only retained crucial relationships, I have discovered new friends who are as deeply rooted in the gospel as I am.

BYU- Yes I know what you're thinking Dad. But honestly, coming to BYU was a miracle. When I first got accepted, I was not sure I would be able to come because of financial reasons. Yet for something beyond my power, I ended up getting the chance to attend BYU. I am thankful every (okay let's put it frankly, most) days that I have had the opportunity to be here where everyone has the same core of beliefs and I don't have to worry about my roomates coming in drunk. Seriously, that's a miracle in itself.

And now off of my cheesy pedestal. Life has been pretty hectic in the 84604. (That doesn't flow as well as 90210 but oh well). Recently I got to go home for Thanksgiving. But I did not go by car or plane. In fact my traveling caused less pain. Okay, I'm done embracing the Dr. Seuss persona for a while, I promise. But really, I got to travel on a train to Colorado! How cool is that? Well let's just say that Madison made me stay up all night (we had to be at the train station at 4:00 a.m. Yes you did read the correctly. FOUR IN THE MORNING!) So Madison, being brilliant and all to smart decided we could just stay up all night on the train. Which was a great plan until later, but let's explain the fun part. We ended up hanging in Helaman Halls which is where apparently all of the super hott guys live because honestly many of them were smokin'! It was nice and then we headed back to her apartment where I cursed her name for making me stay up. (Those of you who know me well know I can get a little, okay MASSIVELY grumpy when I'm tired.) When we got the train station though, my hyper streak came out and Madison and I had a great time running around the little waiting area and we even took a picture on the tracks. (For those of you reading this and thinking "Holy cracker. Kelsey, that was WAY dangerous," I feel the need to mention that the train wasn't due for another 40 minutes.) Anyways it was great and when the train finally got to the station, I was excited to sleep. But when I got on the train, sleep did not come because my life is sadly fully of cruel ironies (I'm sensing a future book about my life entitled "Kelsey's Cruel Ironies" in the future haha I'm kidding). But I couldn't sleep, thus thwarting Madison's crazy plan. Eventually, I fell into a fitful sleep and when I woke up, we only had 8 hours left. (Did I mention it was going to take FOURTEEN hours? Because, it did). Anyways, we watched numerous movies, read books and went to the viewing cart where you can just sit and watch the scenery. We finally got home around 6ish and I could not have been happier to be home.

The first part of my vacation was awesome. I got to visit with past high school teachers and tell them how much they prepared me for college and even had to tell a few that no, despite being in Provo, Utah for around 5 months, I was NOT engaged. I also got to eat lunch with Danny and pull a traditional "Clarissa-Madison-Kelsey-Custard" night. I also got to (finally) see Harry Potter. Which seriously, what was with that one awkward scene? Life was going great it seemed. Until Tuesday night. When my ears started hurting really bad. But, knowing that Cassie and I had our epic picking up Kelly from the airport day the next day, I suffered through it.

Wednedsay, although I was sick, was absolutely fantastic towards the evening. I had pumped around 6 total Ibuprofen in my mouth during the day, and was starting to feel a little better. Cassie and I made it to the airport really quickly and we totally didn't get lost. (Which was MASSIVELY surprising as Cassie and I have no sense of direction.) While we waited, we tried to figure out where to pick her up and ate pretzels. The former being a massive fail because we eventually had to meet her by the baggage pick-up. But nonetheless, a 'run-across-the-airport-and-hug" was a success. It was WAY awesome. But on the way home, I felt like I was going to die so I made them take me home haha.

On Thursday, I went to my Omi's house for dinner but felt like crap the whole time so I basically slept on the couch like a lame skadoo. But the food was delicious, and I enjoyed the trivia. Friday was, hmm how shall I phrase this? Weird. I'm just going to come right out and say it: I went to a pediatricin. Yes I know very peculiar as I am 18 but I thought I had an ear infection and I have no other doctor. So yes, I was in a waiting room with an average age of 3 year olds. Yes, I did get a popsicle after they swabbed me for strept. (Which was totally random because I thought I had an ear infection. Turns out, I had strept!) It was totally lame to be sick still, but I survived.

Saturday, I felt a little bit better until the stupid University of Utah Utes beat us in football.  and so we had a family evening where we ate Five Guys and put up the Christmas tree. It was awesome! :) (And we totally only had one minor fight while decorating the tree!)

Sunday morning, I woke up and felt like death. Now normally, I hate when people say this. How can one know what death feels like? But now I know. I was an emotional wreck at the Carneys (Katy and Kyle were driving Madison and I home) and felt like a big blubber. Luckily, they love me and don't think I'm a psycho. Anyways, we made it safely home.

The last week of school has been crazy. Last Thursday, I, along with a few other girls in my class,  went with Professor Cope to a live nativity. It totally got me in the Christmas spirit and afterwards we went to the Cocoa Bean and I ordered the best steamer on the plant. This weekend was pretty nice as well. I watched lots of Gilmore Girls with my roomate Kristina and did laundry. On Saturday, I went with Kristina to Walmart, purchased some awesome food and then Madison's roomate Hailey picked me up. We went to the mall and ate Red Robin. So delicious! We also went to Michaels and it was super awesome.  On top of all the craziness this week, I lost my cellphone on Thursday. I pretty much died. Literally. After continuous prayer for three days, and fasting yesterday, somebody turned my phone and I got it back! It was awesome! So yay for prayer and fasting.

Anyways, I love life. Sometimes, life sucks. (Mom, please don't yell at me for saying that when I call you later!) But sometimes it does. Sometimes life is unfair and cruel. But as my new favorite quote (shared during American Heritage) states:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

So although life is full of cruel ironies and bad moments, I've decided there are also momets of greatness and love. (Like when you realize you still have a chocolate for the day stuck in your chocolate advent calendar your mom bought you). I've experience both victory and defeat which leads me to believe I have experienced a successful life thus far. So whatever life throws me, I'm determined to be the girl "who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly." Love you all. Lots. xoxo