
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"The world is a book and those who do not travel only read one page." - St. Augustine

Oh man, where do I begin? I haven't blogged in forever because it's been insane. Since I've been in DC I've come to many consensuses, but one main one is that I LOVE to travel places. (Others include increased patriotism, possibly working for the State Department, learning that I need to be more kind and it's okay to have different opinions from others as long as you are respectful).  Instead of curing me of the travel bug, I've just become more and more excited about it. 

I recently randomly came across my favorite book from sixth grade, All American Girl by Meg Cabot, at a coffee shop. I picked it up and was surprised to see that it was set in DC. It got me to thinking that even though I did not even know it, DC was a place I had longed to see for a long time. Basically, it made me happy to realize that Heavenly Father really does know me better than I know myself and that he helps guide me. Let's  just say I am re-reading it because it's such a gem. 

Anyways, let's get onto what I've been doing lately. 
  • NEW YORK (Friday) . I DID IT FINALLY. Originally Chels and I were supposed to go stay with her friend, but on the Tuesday before we were supposed to leave, her friend let her know that she was going out of town. I literally started crying. I had a defeatist attitude that maybe New York and I were not meant to happen. But then my parents encouraged me to still go. So on Thursday, I basically planned a solo trip to New York. I went on a sketchy bus driven based in Chinatown where the driver blew through five cigarettes during the drive. On the plus side, an extremely attractive black man sat next to me and I had a good gospel conversation with him. I finally got to New York around 8 and practically ran to Times Square, but not before a drunk college man grabbed my butt. It's overwhelming. But seriously. It's so bright! I then walked all the way to Serendipity. On the way there, I saw the Rockefeller Center and Trump Tower. I felt like a loser asking just for one seat until I got to skip the huge line. I finally ate my frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity. I LOVED IT. Going here was worth the trip alone. While I was walking back, I saw the Plaza Hotel and had to call my family because of our mutual love of Home Alone 2. It felt surreal at this point. I made it on the right subway line and transferred to the right bus on my way to my hostel. And that's when things went bad. Because it was so dark and the bus driver was so rude, I got off two stops late. So here I am, in Queens, completely by myself in a dark part of town with no cars at midnight. Yeah. Sketch. Luckily for me, I called my dad and he used Google maps to guide me home. Dads are the best! :)
  • Saturday in New York:  I woke up, and attempted to get into the Wicked lottery. I also bought a pound of purple peanut M&Ms (which I may have eaten all of them that day). I headed down to the 9/11 memorial where I accidentally brought Chels' pocket knife. Yeah. I really loved that memorial. It was perfect. I then walked down so I could see the Statue of Liberty. It was so cool to finally see one of our national treasures! I then walked to the Brooklyn Bridge, stopping to see Wall Street. I LOVED the bridge. It was a really cool experience.  I then walked around Central Park feeling pretty hipster. I was dead tired, but still made time for some cheesecake at Magnolias and Ray's pizza. I made it to my hostel safely that night.
  • Sunday in New York:  I woke up bright and early and headed to church in the Manhattan temple. That was a pretty cool experience. I've never had the opportunity to even be inside any room other than the baptismal font in any other temple, so it was pretty neat. Then came the second best part of the trip: Tom's Restaurant from Seinfeld. I had the best chicken salad and pretty much gushed the whole time about how much I loved it here. IT WAS FANTASTIC. After that, I headed to the Met, saw a bunch of Tiffany glass windows and my favorite painting. Anyways, I made it back to DC and I can say I was happy to return! Although I am glad I got to finally do all these bucket list items, I'd have to say I did not love New York. It is too busy, crowded and rude. In general, DC has so many more cool places to go and see. 
  • Valley Forge/Philadelphia Excursion. Last Friday, the group headed out to Valley Forge. I'm going to be honest. I literally had no clue what happened there. But it was really cool because it was so beautiful, and I learned all about the history. I saw some of the fields where the Americans camped, George Washington's headquarters and a beautiful arch monument. I really enjoyed it. We returned, had some delicious dinner and then came up with the idea of having a dance party. No one, myself included, want to ask the people in charge (we were staying at this lodge kind of place) if we could borrow speakers. But then Jeremy and his wife started chanting "Hillary" and I took charge. I asked the guy if we could have a dance party and he busted out laughing. Apparently, EVERY single BYU group has asked the same thing. He remarked that he had seen "more Mormons dance than any other religion." He asked if I could help him grab the speakers and then asked me if my name was Hillary. I cracked up and told him that people call me that because I have the same personality as her. He just started laughing and said that he was an INTJ too. It was hilarious talking to him! We talked about how we also have the same personality as Stalin, but that we never mention that to other people. Anyways, a few of us danced the night away Mormon style and it was great. We got up and drove to Philadelphia where I saw pretty much everything I've ever wanted to see! I saw the Liberty Bell, toured Independence Hall, cried during the presentation at the Constitution Center (because I was feeling so patriotic) saw the Love Statue, went to the Reading Market, ate a philly cheesesteak (without cheese of course), ran the stairs of the Philadelphia Museum of Art pretending to be like Rocky. Basically the day consisted of me feeling like I was in National Treasure and being so proud to be an American. I also got to read a lot of Condoleeza Rice's memoir and she is a BOSS. Anyways, it was a good brief trip. 
  • Chels' parents came into town and treated us all to seeing a performance of Hello Dolley at Ford's theater. I felt so cool attending an actual play there. We also ate at the best Italian restaurant EVER. It was good to meet them! 
  • I also went to some of the final museums I hadn't been to: the Portrait Gallery, American Art and the Crime and Punishment Museum. I loved all of them, especially seeing Joseph Smith's portrait and cracking open a safe. I'm going to miss all these museums. 
  • My boss. She's the best. I could go on for oodles why, but basically it can be summed up with the fact that she's an INTJ too. She is a boss. (haha pun). And she totally understands me and is one of the best mentors I've ever had.  She also gives the best pump up speeches. I might cry when I have to say goodbye. Anyways, I  mentioned that I would "name my child Scott because of my love of F. Scott Fitzgerald" to my boss... and it turns out she lives right next to where he is buried (Rockville, Maryland). So after work, she bought me a ticket on the train to come see it! She is seriously the best! We also drove to this gorgeous historical mansion, where I found this beautiful garden that reminded me of Secret Garden. 
  • I have a new found desire to work for the State Department. This may have stemmed from my love of Hillary Clinton and from reading (and falling in love with) Condoleeza Rice's memoir. So we'll see how that goes. I'll keep you all posted. 
  • I watched both the BBC and Keira Knightley version of Pride and Predujice and Sense and Sensibility. So basically, I may have become more obsessed with Jane Austen than I had been originally. Just waiting on my Mr. Dary/Colonel Brandon. 
Here are some things I saw in my adventure in New York/ Valley Forge/Philadelphia:
I saw my favorite painting in real life at the Met! 
Rockefeller Center 
Finally made it! 
Documentation that dreams come true! 
Times Square! 
Finally saw the Statue of Liberty!
9/11 memorial 
Brooklyn Bridge 

Central Park!
Manhattan Temple 
The restaurant from Seinfeld. I was in heaven. 
Valley Forge 
Practicing being a judge! :)
Independence Hall. I felt like National Treasure. 
Finally saw the other mint. 
Love statue in Philadelphia. 
Being Rocky. 
Liberty Bell 
Outside the Supreme Court 
Candace, me (the BFG), Luisa and Lanae in the Supreme Court. 
Painted my classic John Sherman egg for Easter. 

F. Scott Fitzgerald's grave-site 
So yeah. I'm living the high life. I just realized I only have 9 more days of work and 16 days left in DC. I might cry. And by might, I actually will. I cannot believe my time here has gone by so quickly. I am just so so so so so so so so so so (times infinity) thankful for all the opportunities I've had while I was here. 

My new jam is OneRepublic's "I Lived" because it represents my view of my life right now:

love love love (as an aside, only 66 days until Taylor's concert),

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

In Defense of Hillary Clinton

So if you clicked on this, you're probably thinking, "oh there goes crazy obsessive Kelsey again. Her and her obsessions." And that thought process is exactly why I am writing this. I am here to explain (for once and for all!) exactly why Hillary Clinton is a boss, and therefore why I love her so much.

Let me start at the beginning: I hated Hillary Clinton up until about a year ago. This was mostly due because I was naive and everyone kind of hated her. Then I took the Meyers Brigg personality test and discovered I was an INTJ... and that one famous person who had my personality was Hillary Clinton. Being the INTJ I am, I decided to research more about her. The more I researched, the more impressed I became. (I'll expand on this later though) I am generally long-minded, so I'll break it into bullet points and then for those who want to know more, I've add extra stuff under each bullet point. 

Why Hills is a boss:

  • She is literally the first woman to do EVERYTHING.
    • First woman to 
      • be the wife of a president to seek and win national office
      • be elected to the U.S. Senate from New York
      • be the female chair of the Legal Services Corporation in 1978
      • be female partner at Rose Law Firm in 1979
      • be the former First Lady to serve in a president's cabinet
      • be student commencement speaker at Wellesley College
      • be a member on Wal-Mart's board. 
      • be the First Lady to hold a postgraduate degree and to have her own professional career up to the time of entering the White House.
      • have an office in the West Wing of the White House in addition to the usual First Lady offices in the East Wing. 
  • She is a child advocate... my dream job. 
    • She went to YALE law school and chose to go into child advocacy.
    • She once states that "every child deserves a champion." 
    • She co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and families which mission statements say "child citizens are powerless individuals." She also worked for Children's Defense Fund in DC. 
    • She was twice listed as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America
  • She totally kept her cool and forgave Bill.
    • This one really bothers me because most people believe it was just a political marriage. But here's the thing, even if it was (which I am not so sure it was given her background with her own family) her private life was suddenly brought into the public sphere. And she handled it so gracefully. I mean they had a daughter that they were raising and then Bill made a huge PUBLIC mistake. You have to be pretty classy to forgive him after that. Which reminds me,she once stated, "In the bible it says you have to forgive seventy times seven, I want you all to know, I'm keeping a chart." I don't understand how members of my faith don't believe that she can forgive her husband for having an affair and yet believe all the other stories of forgiveness we hear on a weekly basis. It must have been/still is very humiliating to have her marriage constantly under scruitiny. Plus, why is is okay to endorse staying together no matter the circumstances, but then attack her for only staying in her marriage for "political reasons?" 
  • She was a hardcore Republican
    • She served as a president for her alma mater for the Wellesley Young Republicans. She also volunteered to campaign for Barry Goldwater's presidential election of 1964. 
    • She also attended a Washington Seminar-esque program. She interned at the House Republican Conference for the "Wellesley in Washington Program," so basically we're twinsies. 
    • She originally was very strongly opposed to gay marriage. You can learn more about her evolution of views on gay marriage here
    • She once states that she has a "mind conservative and a heart liberal," which is exactly how I, and many other Americans I am sure, feel about politics. 
  • She's an INTJ. Yeah, I know for most of you, that does not mean anything to you. But here's the thing. Only around less than one percent of women IN THE WORLD have an INTJ personality (It is also very very rare for men as well). That means she and I have the rarest type of personality in women. I oftentimes feel like people cannot connect with what I am saying/believing. I also feel that she is completely misunderstood. Her harsh nature is actually just a shell. I mean, she is a child rights activist for goodness sake!
  • She had political ambition before Bill.
    • In fact, she refused his proposal numerous times because she wanted to be her own woman. (Which is why she did not use his name before he was in office) 
    • Also, she made more than him when he first started off as president. If that's not legitimately awesome, I don't know what is. 
  • Hardcore women's advocate:
    • “We need to understand that there is no formula for how women should lead their lives. That is why we must respect the choices that each woman makes for herself. Every woman deserves the chance to realize her God-given potential.” (Yes, while this is probably about abortion, you still have to admit how incredible that is."
    • Her last words as Secretary of State involved women's rights: ?Because the jury is in, the evidence is absolutely indisputable: If women and girls everywhere were treated as equal to men in rights, dignity, and opportunity, we would see political and economic progress everywhere."
  • She does not care about her physical appearance, and is completely confident about it. Actually, she's completely confident just about who she is in general. 
    • More young women need examples about this. Hillary is about her brains, not looking pretty or dressing up. She doesn't need boss clothes or hairstyles to prove she means business. 
    • "Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it. Otherwise, let it roll right off you.”-
  • She can laugh at herself.
    • Exhibit A: People make fun of her hair all the time, but she just throws it back and states, "If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle."
    • Exhibit B: When the moderator at a debate basically told her she didn't have a likability factor, she just laughed it off. (You can watch it here)
    • Exhibit C: Her submission to the Texts From Hillary

  • She believes in America more than most people, and that's what drives her to be a leader. 
    • "My faith in our country and our future is stronger than ever. Every time that blue and white airplane carrying the word 'United States of America' touches down in some far-off capital, I feel again the honor it is to represent the world's indispensable nation."
  • She can admit she made mistakes, but also doesn't let people bully her.
    • Case in point: Benghazi. She held her ground during the hearings (she is seriously such a great boss when it comes to defending herself). But she also said,  "For me, this is not just a matter of policy," she said. "It’s personal. I stood next to President Obama as the Marines carried those flag-draped caskets off the plane at Andrews. I put my arms around the mothers and fathers, the sisters and brothers, the sons and daughters, and the wives left alone to raise their children." . So yeah, she has feelings, regardless of what people say. (I also identify with the idea of people thinking I don't have feelings either). 
  • She can identify her weaknesses: "Probably my worst quality is that i get very passionate about what I think is right." (Another classic INTJ thing statement I completely get) 
  • She has so many great quotes:
    • “Every moment wasted looking back, keeps us from moving forward.” 
    • “When you stumble, keep faith. And when you're knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says you can't or shouldn't go on.”
    • “We should remember that just as a positive outlook on life can promote good health, so can everyday acts of kindness.”
    • "One thing we know for sure is that change is certain. Progress is not. Progress depends on the choices we make today for tomorrow and on whether we meet our challenges and protect our values." 
I could probably on for forever. But this woman:
is a BOSS whether you admit it or not. So that's my tirade against people who don't even respect her as a person. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

“I can’t go back to yesterday – because I was a different person then.” -Lewis Carroll

So my title comes because recently I was talking to my friend Michal for the first time in 80 years and she remarked how different I was. Which, to be honest, freaked me out. I mean, the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was true.

Things that are different about me:
  1. Instead of creeping on boys on Facebook, I creep on various political figures (i.e. Female Secretaries of State. Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, etc.)  on Wikipedia.
  2. I try new food on the drop of a hat. 
  3. I actually put the subject in the subject line of my emails. (A lesson I picked up on here very quickly). 
  4. I call/email top child advocacy organizations to set up informational meetings. (Remember how I used to not be able even order my food? What is happening?! Who I am?!) 
  5. I stay up later than 10 so I can read the Washington Post. (This is a bit of a lie. Sometimes I am staying up late to read the paper, but usually I am watching funny videos on YouTube with Chels)
  6. I have not crack laughed in over a month. (but I still laugh every day at pretty much everything, so I'm not really sure this counts) 
  7. I'm thinking about attending law school somewhere other than BYU or places in Colorado. (i.e. Georgetown, GW, Chicago, or maybe even in North Carolina). 
  8. I haven't gotten lost. Once. Which is pretty much insane if you know me at all. 
  9. Contractions are the devil. As in I find myself changing contractions in even colloquial writing because it makes your writing so much stronger. 
  10. I called Harvard law professors to tell them their materials for an upcoming conference were due. (Although I'm not sure this should count because I freaked out a lot before I finally did it!) 
Did you read that list and freak out? I know! But do not worry, I believe that all of these changes are for the better. I wish I could express in words all the lessons I have already learned about myself and about the world I live in, but it would be impossibly long (and I'll probably end up writing it anyway at the end). Let us just say that I a. love it here and b. love who I am becoming. I did not know it was possible to change so much in such a short time, but I am so thankful I have! 

Anyways, I've decided to come up with a new goal. I realized that maybe part of the reason I was feeling a bit lost last week was because I did not have any new goals. Last year, my main goal was to be more positive and I actively worked at it every day. I feel very successful in that regard. So now my new goal is "to be kinder than I feel." One of my favorite talks, as many people know, is "The Tongue Can be a Sharp Sword" by Marvin J. Ashton, and how he explains that nobody needs one more person tearing them down and we should build others up. I recently was reading No Doubt About It by Sheri Dew (which I have not finished, but I love) and she quoted C.S. Lewis' "Weight of Glory:"

“It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which,if you say it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare. All day long we are, in some degree helping each other to one or the other of these destinations. It is in the light of these overwhelming possibilities  it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all of our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics. There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations - these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit - immortal horrors or everlasting splendors.”

I read this and almost started crying. The line "There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal" made me realize that I need to be kinder. It is not like I am overly mean to others, but one of my catch phrases is "I hate people." Does that sound like I appreciate all of God's children? I do not think so. I realized that although I would consider myself compassionate, I could brush up on treating people better. I am also a gossip. I hate typing that sentence, but it is true and that is the first step of a goal. Reminding yourself that you have weaknesses but you will be able to make them strengths. 

And now it is time for a motivational quote from my philosophical crush, Og Mandino, (which as a side note, I found the 32 pages of his famous 'scrolls' online and if you like anything I've published from him, or like me at all, I would suggest reading it here. I LOVE HIM). 

"I will greet this day with love in my heart. 

And how will I speak? I will laud mine enemies and they will become friends; I will 
encourage my friends and they will become brothers. Always will I dig for reasons to 
applaud; never will I scratch for excuses to gossip. When I am tempted to criticize I 
will bite my tongue; when I am moved to praise I will shout from the roofs. "

And now onto some highlights of the last couple of weeks:

  • The DC temple! I had the opportunity to go do baptisms when I was having my ear ache, so I was a little out of it, but I can say that I LOVE THE TEMPLE! Seriously, I came out of there completely refreshed and ready to take on the world. It was snowing when we came out and the temple was gorgeous. It also really does come out of nowhere and looks like a castle. So gorgeous. SO grateful I can go whenever I want! 
  • When I was sick, Chels and I had the opportunity to go hear Elder Holland speak in one of the senate buildings on Capitol Hill. This was the day when I had the flu, so to be honest, I can really only remember that he told a funny joke at the beginning. We then went to the Botanical Gardens. It's really relaxing and soothing in there. So much so that I fell asleep sitting up on a bench after we walked around. So even though both things were incredible, I don't remember a lot!
  • Museums-Chels and I went to the coolest museum EVER: the International Spy Museum. This was one of the main things I wanted to do while here in DC, and it was totally worth the money. I had the opportunity to crawl through a duct (felt like Jack Bauer) and hold onto a piece of metal pretending to be hanging on the edge of a cliff (like James Bond. And I literally only made it .5 seconds, but it was the experience that counts). Anyways, it was legit. Last weekend we were supposed to go to Baltimore, but had a service project (more on that later) so we also went to Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum which was also super fun! I took pictures with nearly every president and celebs... and Hillary Clinton. That was worth it right there. 
  • I found a new favorite spot in town. Well actually I have several. The first being the Lincoln Memorial, the second being Paul (the French bakery that has a view of the Archives) and my latest- the inside gallery of the National Portrait Museum. As Chelsea described, it's "like summer in there." The ceiling is glass and they have all these beautiful flowers. There is a possibility that I could just sit there for hours. It is so relaxing.
  • Memorial/Monuments- The other day I just really needed to go on a walk, so I walked to the Lincoln Memorial (it's going to be so sad when I can't say that anymore!) It is so gorgeous. And peaceful. It definitely helped clear my head. I then walked over to the MLK and FDR memorials, both of which were fantastic. I finally saw the Potomac while not on the Metro and it puts my favorite lake in Colorado to shame. SO GORGEOUS. I just love it here! :)
  • Food- Chelsea and I tried a Portuguese placed called Nando's which had THE best garlic bread and chicken in the world. And if you know anything about me, you know I could live off garlic bread. We have also been to Lincoln's Waffle House twice because the environment and pancakes are the best! I also finally tried Potbelly's ice-cream sandwiches and holy muffins, I AM ADDICTED. I just found out there is one in Union Station (where we usually go for lunch at work), so this might turn into a problem. Another new favorite is Paul, the French restaurant I mentioned earlier. I found this new thing that is like a chocolate croissant with pastry filling and it is so delicious. 
  • Last Friday we had the opportunity to participate in Dr. Seuss day with some students from American University. I'm not going to lie, I was grumpy because we were supposed to go to Baltimore, but this was so much better! I got partnered with a girl named Leena from AU and we chatted tons and then read Sneetches by Dr. Seuss to kindergartners. It was absolutely adorable and perfect. I want to visit kindergarten every day- they give the best compliments. 
  • I got to see Madeline Albright speak in person! She was speaking at Georgetown, so I headed over there after work and it was amazing. I loved the room and the fact that she was wearing a purple power suit. She also stated that there "are only two great cities: Prague and Denver." So yeah. I've also decided I'm going to be the youngest female Sec of State, so I'll get on that now. 
  • The day I was finally better, I got to go to a Supreme Court hearing. It was an incredible, and enlightening, excursion. Although the case was pretty boring, it was crazy to see real-life lawyers doing oral arguments before all the justices. That's never going to happen to me. It was also interesting to see the justices' different attitudes. Some appeared very arrogant, but I really liked Chief Justice Roberts. He was calm, respectful and thoughtful. Anyways, it was a GREAT experience. I mean, how many people actually have the opportunity to do that?!
  • Children and Family Summit- Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend a huge children's focus summit because I have the BEST boss in the world! (Seriously, I could write a blog post about how amazing she is, but just take my word for it). The Secretary of Education, the editor-in-chief from Parent magazine and all these incredible child advocates were there. I got to network with people in my field and it was so great! :) I can't wait to be a child advocate. 
  • Mexican Drug Cartel Simulation- Two Fridays ago, we had a 7 hour simulation on the Mexican Drug Cartel. I was the Mexican External Relations woman, so I basically was the Mexican version of Hillary Clinton. I called myself Lolita, which is my flirty alter ego self, after a suggestion from my mom. haha she's the greatest. Anyways, we would have our country meetings, and then bilateral meetings twice to try and solve this issue. Holy crap was this difficult! It was hard trying to find a solution that pleased everyone and I now have a lot more respect for politicians who are working on any issue like this with another country. I also had an epiphany (which I should give my friend Jeremy credit for) that I would be a good mediator. I am looking more into that field as well as an option post-law school. Anyways, it was an enlightening experience to say the least. 
  • Julie and Julia- Last Friday, Chelsea wanted to watch Julie and Julia, which I had never seen. As we were watching it, I really wanted all the food in it. So we decided to make some of the items in the movie. It. was. so. much. fun. We made bruschetta, a shrimp scampi (not from Julia Child, but seriously the most amazing main dish ever) and her chocolate almond cake. It took us almost 3 hours, but it was definitely worth it. It made me want to cook delicious food all the time. It was a perfect Friday night. 
  • Nicholas Sparks movie night- Yes I finally saw Safe Haen, which was the movie I wanted to see on Valentine's day and it was great. I really liked it because it wasn't super cheesy. Although they totally should have picked someone more attractive than Josh Duchamel. I mean, after Zac Efron? Yeah no. Then I came home and one of the greatest girls here, Alyse, wanted to watch The Last Song. So that's how I ended up watching two Nicholas Sparks movies on a Saturday night, shouting "When I Look at You" at midnight. It was a great moment! :) 
  • Today I didn't have work because of "Snowquester" which was supposed to be a big snow storm that definitely did not happen. I went to work for half the day to make up some time I missed, but then came home and caught up on my TV and now I'm planning the things I want to do in New York this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM FINALLY GOING THERE. IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. Yesterday, Chelsea found out that her friend we were supposed to be staying with is going out of town this weekend, so we can't really stay there. We can't really go any other time because we're going to Philadelphia and Gettysburg and then it's the last Friday. CRAZY. So I decided to go by myself. We'l see how it goes, but I am super excited because I am going to go to Serendipity, the Met, Wicked (well if I get the lottery!), and the restaurant from Seinfeld. I can't wait! 
And now onto some pictures of my recent adventures: 

Sitting with Lincoln in "Ford's Theater" 
Rosa Parks and I 
Winston Churchill giving me the stare down.
Delivering a speech with Martin Luther King. 
Brangelina and I 
The DC temple while it was snowing 
My alter ego Lolita at our Mexican Drug Cartel simulation. 
The BEST chocolate cake from Julie and Julia. 
Chels and I's new favorite breakfast place. 
The FBI building!
Favorite place in DC- Lincoln Memorial. 
Best museum EVER
I finally made it there!
View of the Potomac from the MLK memorial. 
Jefferson memorial 
Eleanor Roosevelt's statue 
One of my favorite MLK quotes!
Dr. Seuss day!
The box seat where Lincoln was shot 
Part of the group from Dr. Seuss service activity 
The MLK memorial. 
Ford's Theater- where Lincoln sat where he got shot.

Our beautiful main course. 
Also this is my new jam:
But seriously. Listen and love.

So that's about it. Except to say I love my life and you for making it all the way to the end! Oh, and my next post will be about the top 10 women I want to meet in Heaven, so look for that! (Don't worry, I'll also do my top 10 men too!)