
Sunday, September 23, 2012

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."- Mark Twain

I just absolutely adore the quote from Mark Twain because I am so set in patterns and routines. I woke up the other day and just decided I am going to make my dreams come true. This sounds weird, but I am completely serious. I am so sick of thinking about things I want to do (my bucket list can be found here) but I never seem to make any progress towards. Anyways I always see all these opportunities to do fun things and I just think "Wow I have no money. I can't do anything." But alas, that is NOT true.  My friend Jess has a sign on her wall that says "Dreams don't work unless you do." So I decided if I want to go to exciting places, I've got to take the time to work towards achieving goals. That being said... 

It's official. I just turned in my application to go here:

aka Washington D.C.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll see what happens, but basically if I get into the program (it's called the Washington Seminar) they will help me get an internship in Washington D.C. I'll find out on October 1st, so wish me luck!

Now onto some highlights of the last couple of days:
Thursday was Berg's birthday. Can I just say that I love this girl??? She turned 19! Jess and I went to Target   and found the cutest cupcake card/magnet and we went over to Sam and Chloe's apartment to eat cake. What actually ended up happening was Berg, Jess, Chloe and I were discussing boys, wedding plans, and everything else while laughing hysterically at how the boys were drinking pop, lying on the couch watching the football game. It was super great. The night ended up with us screaming the lyrics to "As Long as You Love Me" around the block and Bergen serenading me out the moon roof to "Forever and Always" by Shania Twain. Needless to say, I am pretty sure it was one of the best birthdays ever. 

Friday was just one of those amazingly awesome days that come out of nowhere. Work with Michal was just great and class was great. I ended up walking into the Washington Seminar office to look at their internship data base and two awesome things happened: 1. I found like a zillion and a half internships I would love to do and 2. The student employee found out that I had a possibility of an interview and he told me I needed to set up a meeting with the director of the program (who makes the decisions on whether or not I get into the program!!!). So I did! Then Marisa and I went on a solo roommate "date" to Target and it was SO MUCH FUN!! We blared One Direction and just were laughing. It was so refreshing. Linds, Marisa and I then expanded out of our comfort zone and went to Lowe's Extreme Sports which is basically like a Jump On It place. It was pretty fun and I even jumped off the trapeze into a foam pit. So you can see that was a successful outing! Then it was off to Berg's surprise party. It was a blast!! Loud music+people I don't know+blinking lights= a successful college party. Afterwards, I hopped into Marisa's car with Linds and Alex (my current roommates if you are confused) and we drove WAY into the mountains blaring music. It was probably one of the cathartic hours of my life. It was so liberating and refreshing. I just absolutely love drives in the mountain because they clear my head in a way that nothing else can. 

Today has been pretty great as well. It started off with watching Miss Congeniality and then homework. Then Berg, Jess and I went to Olive Garden to celebrate Bergen's birthday. We even got bread sticks to take home! :) We then went to Wal-mart singing "Firework" by Katy Perry and picked up some snacks and white handkerchiefs  because tomorrow is the Brigham City Temple Dedication. I have only been to one dedication before and that was for Nauvoo and I do not really remember it. Afterwards, Linds, Marisa and I watched the first episode of Downtown Abbey (Yes. Don't ask me how though!) and it was sooooooooo good!

Anyways, life is so grand, isn't it?

This is my new favorite song because it helps me believe in the beauty of my dreams. Love you all! 

1 comment:

  1. I am obsessed with that song!! I love this and how you are going after your dreams. You are awesome!
