
Monday, September 17, 2012

"I'm going to make everything beautiful- that will be my life."-Elsie de Wolfe

Today I just kind of woke up in a funk. So I decided to get out of that funk I would make a thankful list. I was only going to write ten but that quickly became insufficient so here it is:

107 things I am thankful for in this precise moment-
  1.  My rock solid parents.
  2. My beautiful, perfect siblings. 
  3. Both sets of my perfect grandparents. 
  4. My whole extended family who puts up with my craziness.
  5.  My roommates, past and present, who held me together when I fell apart.
  6. Madison. She has been my rock since I was 12. Everything I have ever gone through, she’s been there for me.  
  7.  My health. To wake up and have a heart pumping blood and four limbs that function perfectly is one of the best feelings you can wake up.
  8.   The opportunity to have a temple less than a mile away from my house. I can have blessings of the temple literally any time I want.
  9.   My Heavenly Father’s love
  10. The Book of Mormon (and all other scriptures)
  11. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  12. Being a daughter of a divine being
  13.  The power of the priesthood
  14. Priesthood blessings
  15. Sun light streaming through the clouds
  16. Rainy days/clouds
  17. Walking around the lake by my house
  18. My job
  19. My co-worker Michal who literally is my soul sister when it comes to knowing things about who I am. 
  20. Having the opportunity to attend BYU
  21. The power of fasting and prayer
  22. Stake conference sessions where their main motto is "Willing and Worthy to Serve," not "Get married."
  23. The prophet
  24. General Conference talks (especially President Uchtdorf's talks)
  25. My curly hair
  26. Music
  27. Pop Rocks
  28. Sunsets like the one in the picture below
  29. My letter from President Uchtdorf 
  30. Driving in cars blaring songs like "As Long as You Love Me."
  31. Home cooked meals 
  32. This video (aka Honey Boo Boo Child)
  33. Going out of my comfort zone
  34. The color purple
  35. Green m&ms
  36. Taylor Swift CDs
  37. Sweaters
  38. This song
  39. Quotes by Maya Angelou
  40. Funny books (i.e. Mindy Kaling's book)
  41. Watching Gilmore Girls with my mom 
  42. Meeting new people
  43. Having heart to hearts with unexpected people
  44. Secret Muffin Extravaganzas 
  45. My Tempurpedic bed cover (for those of you who experience college beds, you know why this is appreciated) 
  46. My trip to Princeton/New York
  47. The opportunity to serve others
  48. Random acts of kindness
  49. Crying
  50. the power to be courageous even for 20 seconds 
  51. Mentors- especially Professor Cope 
  52. the smell of blueberry muffins
  53. Subway Sandwiches
  54. episodes of Seinfeld
  55. Scary movie marathons with my dad
  56. the scent of Lavender 
  57. the opportunity to learn Spanish
  58. the mountains (especially the ones in Colorado!)
  59. porch swings (especially my grandparent's porch swing)
  60. Good books
  61. Steamers on a cold day
  62. Childhood friends
  63. Disney Channel Movie marathons
  64. Dancing with my little sister and little brother to this song
  65. Sunday walks
  66. Swinging at the park with friends
  67. Sunday afternoon games
  68. Trials
  69. Pen pals
  70. My pillow that is specifically for people who sleep on their side
  72. Winning an iPad, shallow but true
  73. Positive attitudes
  74. Smiles
  75. Nice, righteous men
  76. Nice, righteous women
  77. My couch at home where I read
  78. The example of Joseph and Emma Smith's marriage
  79. President Uchtdorf's talk (Your Happily Ever After)
  80. Water bottles
  81. Trying new food (i.e. the scallops I had on our cruise)
  82. The courage of Ronan's mom (read her blog here)
  83. The sound/smell of rain/watching thunderstorms
  84. My patriarchal blessing
  85. Dreams coming true
  86. Traveling to new places
  87. Instant communication (i.e. phones, Skype, email, etc.)
  88. Missionary work
  89. Anything written by C.S. Lewis
  90. The ring my parents gave me for my birthday last year
  91. Shouting off balconies
  92. Sleepovers
  93. Painted nails (especially when they're purple!)
  94. Passing a test when you think you've failed
  95. The ocean 
  96. Surprise letters in the mail
  97. People who literally lend you the clothes on their back
  98. Time
  99. The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen 
  100. Eternal Marriage
  101. Changes
  102. Big dreams
  103. Guys holding the door open for me
  104. Skype conversations with people you've known since elementary school
  105. Hugs (especially the ones where you can feel their soul bearing into yours!)
  106. My english major classes where I feel free to be a nerd
  107. Nutella and Graham Crackers after a long day 

I could have expanded on all of these things, but hopefully you get the idea that no matter how hard my life get, I can still come up with over 100 things I am thankful for in a few minutes. 

Anyways, onto a brief weekend highlight:

Friday night was spent with my girls Berg and Jess. We went out to Zupa's and I expanded my horizons and  tried their crab sandwich which was soo delightful. We then headed over to DI in Jess' car blaring Bieber. After striking out on a lot of items, I found a gem: Mindy Kaling's book for ONLY $4!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! It was the best! I love those girls! :)

Saturday was spent by me sleeping in until noon (don't judge) and going on an excursion with Jess to purchase some straighteners off of Craigs list. It was pretty much as sketch as it sounds. This huge black guy with muscles the size of my thigh pulls up in this black Sedan, asks us "pink or black?" hands us the straighteners and we leave. So that was fun. haha

Stake conference was PERFECT for me. Seriously. You know how I am always saying that singles wards should be preparing us for the TEMPLE, and not marriage, well yeah, our stake motto is "Willing and worthy to serve," and our goal is the temple. How perfect. It was the perfect spiritual enlightening moment that reaffirmed to me that I am supposed to be in this stake. 

Saturday night was spent at a bonfire with Lindsey, and her friends (who are now my friends!) Bri and Sarah. We ate and sat on the beach of Utah Lake and it was gorgeous! I LOVE LAKES! 

Sunday was our regional conference and it was perfect minus the smooching sneetches in front of us. Elder Oaks presided and made a hilarious metaphor to those who were single in the church were like members of a star gazing club who didn't have "jackets." I also very much appreciated the part where his wife, Kristen, spoke about how long she had to wait for the blessings in her patriarchal blessing to come true (She didn't get married until 53). So this is my new back up plan. Wait until I'm 53 and hopefully marry an apostle. 

Then Marisa and I joined some members of our ward for a nice little picnic in Vivian Park and it was GORGEOUS. It was perfectly refreshing and I am so glad I went. 

Here are some pictures of my adventures as of late:
Me, Lindsey, and Bri at Utah Lake. 
Me in the mountains! I LOVE FALL!
Marisa and I at our picnic!
Provo at night! 
Utah Lake sunset!
So anyways, like the song below this, "it's always a good time." I hope you took time to reflect on everything you have to be thankful for! It is so refreshing to look into everything you are doing and realize that there is always, always something to be thankful for!  I just love life! :) I can't wait to see what this week brings (and by that I mean I hope there is a new man in my life haha). Love you all!


  1. Hahahaha oh man. Our Craigslist adventure was truly the epitome of a Craigslist exchange. For real.

  2. I really like numbers:
    19, 35, 53, 74, 75, 100, 103, 105.

    Yeah. :) And YOU!! Love ya!
