
Thursday, June 6, 2013

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ― Lao Tzu

So there are a lot of changes going on in my life and I really liked this quote when I found it. I feel like everyone is moving on without me! Michal and Marisa are getting married (WAHOOO!!!!!! FINALLY! I was in Colorado when I got the call that Michal is finally marrying her Michael. I was so excited that I'm pretty sure everyone in the house thought I was the one getting married), Mason, Danny and Jess are on/going on missions and Linds is in Thailand. I've been having that same feeling I had in high school where I just felt really anxious to start somewhere fresh. Which is good. Because I am going to officially start applying to grad school in about two months. I could be living my dream in the next year (i.e. moving back to DC and being a boss!) My last few weeks have been incredible though so I can't really complain. 
  • Concerts. I've been to three concerts since I last blogged. Marisa and I went to Kate Nash because she is our girl and sings the story of my high school life. (You can hear it here). Anyways, we went to Chipotle and ate mini bundt cakes which was just presh. We then went to her concert and let's just say she's a bit crazy.... Or a lot crazy. And she didn't sing "We Get On." But overall, it was good because I got to chill with Marisa. The concert was on Friday and then the following Sunday, one of our former ward friends posted on Facebook that he was selling tickets for the Imagine Dragon concerts the following night. Marisa and I jumped on the opportunity because I was super mad that my whole family had seen them at Red Rocks a few nights before. IT WAS INCREDIBLE. Seriously though. When they performed "Radioactive," a part of my soul left to be with it. SO GOOD. It was also really good just to let go. When I was home, I also went to Taylor Swift with Cassie, Abi, and Jess. We all dressed in red, wrote 13's on our hands and song lyrics on our arms so we would officially look like fans... not like anyone was doubting! It was also super good. We got there early and played MMM and when we got there, we were actually closer than we had been for her Fearless tour, so it was good. I just love her. And I'm glad I could share it with Cassie because we promised each other we would NOT miss her next concert! :) 
  • V5 reunion. Before I left for Colorado, I went to a reunion with the my roommates from the summer.It was so much fun! It's crazy because both Jordan and Kristina are engaged! I'm so excited for them and it was good to eat snow cones and catch up with each other. 
  • Mason graduated! I was lucky enough to find cheap tickets to come home and it was great to see him moving on. It was also weird to think that I was almost done with a college degree. I felt like I had just graduated high school. Where has the time gone?! It was precious though and I'm glad I came home because Mason officially submitted his mission papers on Sunday. I can't wait to see where he will go, even though I'm going to hardcore miss his face. 
  • Denver Art Museum. The first Saturday of the month is free at the Art Museum, so my dad, Colin, Laurel and I went to walk around. It was really cool because I had not been there in over three years. Although not as impressive as the collections in the Smithsonian, it was still cool to go back and appreciate it a lot more than I did when I was younger. Then the whole family went for some chicken wings and they were delish. 
  • Cheesecake Factory. Okay I've had this weird obsession with the Cheesecake Factory because I feel like everyone and their dog has been there and I never had. So we went out to dinner as a fam and then my dad drove us to go get cheesecake. IT WAS SO RICH. But delicious, and worth it. We also wandered around the mall and even got my dad and brother to wait in Forever 21 while we looked at clothes. 
  • Scariest moment of my life. Okay, that might be dramatic, but it was really embarrassing/scary. My sister had her student government closing social thing so I had to go pick her up. I had dropped her off at what I thought was the bottom of the person's driveway (because it was really steep and up in the mountains). She called me and told me she could see my car but wanted to be picked up at the house because she didn't want to walk down the hill. I obliged and drove to what I thought was their house... except it wasn't because Laurel said she couldn't see me. After an embarrassing U-turn, I headed up even further. I hadn't realized it was this steep earlier and instantly felt bad for making her walk (until I remembered she's a runner). Anyways, I finally get up there and realize there is no way in heck I'm going to be able to turn around. I start to panic as she gets in the car and we both start cracking up nervously because at this point, it was not looking good. Then one of the teacher comes out (one whom I harbor non-positive feelings for!) and she sees us laughing and comes over to talk at us. I'm sweating profusely and make up some reason why we're laughing. We wait until she gets in the house and then proceed to do a 12-point turn that STILL doesn't get us down. I eventually drove to their lower driveway and did a 4-point turn and got us out of there, but it was still so embarrassing because they could all see us... whoops! :) 
  • Gille twins! While Danny received his endownments, I watched Katy and Marty's twins. They are the cutest things ever, but I gained an appreciation of how hard it would be to have two babies at one time. Even with Laurel and I, it was a struggle to keep up with them! But they are adorable, so it didn't matter! 
  • Lazzzy. While I was home, I read the whole Hunger Games series and watched four movies within 48 hours. And I watched all of the Mindy Project. (I am now in love with that show because it is hilarious. I want Mindy to be my best friend). But it was super good to just chill!
  • Last night in Colorado. On my last night in Colorado, we just chilled and watched TV and read books. It was good. I then had to say goodbye to Daniel Scott because this was the last time I would see him for two years. It was unbelivably crazy that I wouldn't see him for this long! For our last few minutes, Danny, Mason and I walked around the lake reminiscing about the weird things we did when we were younger. They also made me be it for Monkey on the Ground which was actually pretty cruel because it still took me like ten minutes to tag any of them. But it was good! It was the perfect way to say goodbye. I can't believe this time next month he'll be in Brasil! After that, my mom, Laurel and I watched the Lucky One. Two words: Zac Efron. I just love him! :) 
  • Return to Provo. After an early morning flight (let's just say I actually saw the sunrise!), I arrived in Provo, where Marisa picked me up. It was so good to see her!!!!! I was kind of sad to be back but when I came home, I found an Uchtdorf postcard from Jess, I mean Sister Charters, and it seriously made my day!!! She is just the best! I slept for three hours, and then read all of Sarah Dessen's new book... and was disappointed! It was not my favorite, but I guess she can't be perfect all the time! :) Later on, we worked out and immediately bought Ben and Jerry's and watched the Mindy Project. It was the perfect way to be okay with returning to Provo. 
Kate Nash!
Virginia Five reunion! #v54lyfe
Imagine Dragons concert
Can't believe it's been three years since Cassie and I graduated!
Taylor Swift!!!!!!!!
Jess sent this to 'postcard' to me!

Before Mason's graduation with seester and mom!
We call this Blue Steele.
He loves us a lot!
Sibling love!

Also, this is my new favorite motivational video. You should watch it:

"Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

Yep, I'm crazy enough to think I can change the world and I can't wait to start. I find out on June 29 whether I got in to the Women in the World's Next Generation Leadership training but there is a HUGE possibility I won't get in because they had tons of women apply. That's okay though. Baby steps. I can't wait to be in my Conflict Resolution program in the near future. I'm looking forward to my remaining concerts (Kelly Clarkson and One Direction) and a few months of studying for the GRE. It's looking good! :) 

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