
Sunday, November 11, 2012

“Sometimes falling flat on your face allows you to see things from a totally different perspective.”- Linda Poindexter

So I found this quote a few days ago and it is WAY applicable in my life this week, but more on that later.

Last Wednesday, the day before I was supposed to go to New York, I found out my flight was cancelled. My first thought was “oh good, I won’t have to take two tests tomorrow before I leave.” This was immediately followed by "Oh my goodness, I am so sad. It's been my dream to go to New York for forever." This is where one of my moments that I fell "flat on my face" happened. I was really bummed so I  decided, "hey I need to do something way awesome!" So this of course had to involve a guy. So I decided hey this guy in my ward is really nice, I'll just call and ask him on a date. That's totally acceptable, right? So I finally get my courage up and I call him. I explain that I will no longer be going to New York and need something fun to do and then ask him on a date. He gets quiet for a second and then states, "I am so honored and would love to go, but I'm dating someone." WHAT?!? Seriously. I almost dropped the phone. haha In my head I was thinking "Oh my muffins. I'm not going to New York and I just asked out a man that had a girlfriend. WHAT IS MY LIFE?!" Needless to say, there was a lot of sugar involved in my weekend. 

 Luckily my grandparents were in town. GRANDPARENTS ARE THE BEST! I stayed up late watching Downton Abbey on Wednesday, then slept in. They picked me up where we went to the bookstore (my papa loves the bookstore!) and my Omi bought me a couple of Washington D.C. tour books, which are already getting good use. We then went to Zupas and sat and talked. My grandpa educated me about a couple of things I should know... haha like who Thurgood Marshall was. Then we went to Desert Book. We walked past a missionary mall, where we looked at suits. I mentioned I need one for D.C. so that prompted my Omi to go suit shopping. That was a weird experience! I felt like a man! :) It was way good. On Friday, I took two test (eh!) and then spent the night at Michals.

Michal is the best! We had a fake New York life. We watched Emma and painted our nails and just had so much fun! Saturday was spent chilling with my roommates. On Sunday, I went to church with Michal because Richard G. Scott was speaking! He's so cute! It was definitely what I needed. 

The rest of the this week passed quickly. On Friday, I got the opportunity to see President Uchtdorf give a talk!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was speaking to the military and was receiving an award. I got there an hour and a half early and stood in freezing cold rain and sleet, but I stood like 50 away from him, so that was definitely a win!!! And here comes my second "falling flat on my face" moment. This was a literal fall. When I walked to work, I wore my purple Toms because they're my favorite shoes and I was about to see Uchtdorf! However, it started snowing when he spoke and did not stop snowing all day. After my last class, which ended at 4, I looked at the window and was like oh cracker, I'm not going to make it home alive. I treaded slowly across campus and was fine until I reached the hill leading to my house. I was fine the first half but then lost my footing and slid approximately three feet down the hill. Let me just explain to you that it was still snowing and I was wearing my American Eagle jeans that stain my skin blue just wearing them for a few hours. And this is when I experienced my Mr. Willoughby moment. I look up after sliding and see a man running down the hill. If had had been wearing a sweater, I probably would have been kinder. He looks at me and asks, "Are you okay? Do you need help walking down the hill?" I, trying to maintain my dignity as best as I could while wearing soaking wet pants indicated that I would be fine and might just walk home barefoot. He then looked shocked and stated, "but there's snow on the ground!" I just said I would be fine but I appreciated his offer. I got back up on my feet and he walked in front of me. I walked two steps and slid right past him again! Yeah. You read that right. He then stopped and said, "Are you SURE you're okay?" At this point, I'm freezing cold, embarrassed and just want to be home, trying not to cry. I indicated that I would just hold onto the fence. I eventually made it home, but it was just so funny. I went to the shower and my whole backside of my body was dark blue from my pants. So that was fun! :)

Luckily for me, my old roommate Sam was home. We jumped in sweats, ordered a pizza and watched the Christmas episode of Downtown. It was delightful. Somehow that turned into a 2 hour dance party listening to all our old jams. It was great! Yesterday, Linds and I woke up and just decided to be Christmasy because of the snow outside. We made muffins, listened to Christmas music, and watched Sleepless in Seattle. It was just so perfect! I hung out with Berg and Jess for a bit and watched some Pride and Prejudice :) overall, it was a good weekend! 

I just love my life! Seriously! Although I was not able to go to New York this past week, my group that's going to D.C. is already planning a trip to NY for President's day. I just know that everything will work out awesome! I am so thankful for everything in my life, including my struggles and disappointments because it has led me closer to my Savior.

Anyways, now onto some pictures: 
Waiting for Uchtdorf!
Uchtdorf speaking!!!

Uchtdorf saluting the Army!

My alter ego Juan
My power outfit for D.C. 
Power outfit #2!

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