
Thursday, May 23, 2013

"My theory is about moments, moments of impact. My theory is that these moments of impact, these flashes of high intensity that completely turn our lives upside down actually end up defining who we are. The thing is each one of us is the sum total of every moment that we’ve ever experienced with all the people we’ve ever known. And it’s these moments that become our history. Like our own personal greatest hits of memories that we play and replay in our minds over and over again.” -The Vow

Yes, this is a quote from the Vow... #don'thate. But I really loved it because it is so true. I officially made my DC video which features all of my personal greatest hits. Anyways, here's a brief list of some 'greatest moments' from the past year:

  • Receiving my letter from President Uchtdorf
  • Getting asked out on my first (and second!) dates
  • Getting into Washington Seminar
  • Being asked to attend a conference at Princeton (I didn't get to go because of Hurricane Sandy, but it's the thought that counts!)
  • Getting my internship at the Federal Judicial Center... and getting into the Judges and Attorneys group
  • Going to New York: Eating at Tom's and frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity. 
  • Seeing Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Maya Angelou, and Madeline Albright all speak in person.
  • Meeting all my friends in DC.
  • The pre-forming of "Boss Women Unite."
  • Being at inauguration 
So what I'm trying to say is that I am so so so so blessed! Check out my video about DC and see how awesome my life really is!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

"Forget conventionalisms. Forget what the world thinks of you stepping out of your place. Think your best thoughts, speak your best words, work your best works, looking to your own conscience of approval. I had rather make history than write it. Failure is impossible." Susan B. Anthony

I love love love that quote. It's probably because I Susan B. Anthony is also an INTJ. I also do recognize that given what I am about to write, I probably shouldn't quote a hardcore feminist. Sometimes being a young Mormon women leads me to feel like I have to be a part of the mold. Especially here in Provo. So I'm going to clarify a few things (and soothe myself that it's okay to be different at the same time):  

Myth #1: I'm a hardcore feminist. Yeah, based off my obsession with Hillary Clinton, many people think that I am. But let me explain first. I found this pin on Pinterest (yes, I now how this just made this seem not legitimate haha) but I LOVED what it said:

This is so true! I am all for women's rights, but I think it's getting a little bit out of hand here in the United States. We don't want the reversal of men losing out on opportunities in the next decade. 

I just recently finished reading Sheryl Sandburg's book, "Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead" and it was fantastic! My favorite part was near the beginning: "I do not believe that there is one definition of of success or happiness. Not all women want careers. Not all women want children. Not all women want both. I would never advocate that we should all have the same objectives. Many people are not interested in acquiring power, not because they lack ambition, but because they are living their lives as they desire. Some of the most important contributions to our world are made by caring for one person as a time. We each have to chart our own unique course and define goals which goals fit our lives, values and dreams." Also I loved this blog post about empowering our girls to aspire to something other than a Disney princess. 

Myth #2: I'm a Democrat. False. Ever since DC, I learned that I am more moderate than most people around me. I believe that both sides are doing their best and I really wish we could combine the best of both, instead of arguing about everything. I might become more conservative or liberal in the future, but one thing is for certain, I am the only person that gets to have a say. 

Myth #3: I don't want to be a mom or ever get married. I joke about these two a lot, but I really cannot wait for both of these to happen. But right now, that's nowhere near in my future, so I'm moving forward with my own personal plans. And that's okay. It's okay to want to pursue a graduate degree. (Yes, this is me convincing myself that it's okay to want higher education). I recently watched Love Actually (don't judge!) and I LOVED this beginning quote: 

Yes, there are so many sad things going on in the world, but there are so many happy things going on as well! I hope we all remember that today! #trueloveexists

I want a love like Joseph and Emma's:
"My heart is entwined around yours forever and ever."- in a letter to Emma  

Anyways, now that we've clarified some things, back to my life. Yesterday was the most overstimulating day of my life. #butreally I went to work and the most attractive men I've ever met in my life (#realtalk he was tall, dark-haired, blue-eyed and had an Australian accent) came into the office. He kept on talking to me and he had the greatest smile. I legit wanted to marry him but I definitely gave that opportunity up when I asked the other secretary to take him across campus to his next location. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I have seriously not been that attracted to someone in my life. 

I then was crazy with my two co-workers. After all this craziness, I seriously came home and took an hour nap. I then watched some Legally Blonde before talking to my friend Jess (who leaves for her mission next week!). It is incredible how much someone can mean to you only after a year of friendship. She was the person who taught me how to be positive and I am so jealous that the people of the West Indies get her for the next year and a half. She is going to be a fantastic missionary! After talking with her, I went to Zupa's with Casey and Marisa where we all caught up. Right before we left, I discovered that a certain person I creeped on during high school was getting back on his mission and freaked out. So there's that!  It was great! At this point, I was on extrovert overload. So Marisa and I watched part of a movie until Lindsey Lou called us.We caught up, chatting about the weird things going on in life and IT WAS GREAT. 

I also finally started my Boss Women Unite book. For those who don't know, I really want to form this organization with Candace. I want to focus on increasing girl's and women's self esteem. So I bought a cute purple notebook (made in Italy!) and started writing down not only speech ideas, but quotes that empower me. I cannot wait for this to become an actual organization! It gets me excited!

And not but last least, I am so excited to go home! I know that I just was there, but it's always happy to be home. I miss my family so much. Until next Wednesday, when I have to get on a shuttle at 2:30 in the morning. Then, I'll probably be grumpy. I'll just keep jamming here. Tonight I'm chilling with my V5 girls from last summer. Tomorrow I have my Kate Nash concert with Marisa and on Saturday we are planting flowers at the Salt Lake temple. My life is a dream.

 P.S. LOVING this song right now. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

"Embrace the current season of your life."- Gabrielle Blair

So I'm back in Provo... and you know what that means! I freaked out and was really sad on Monday. But ever since that freak-out, I feel so much better!! This past week has been great and I realized that I need to work on being happy where I am, not always thinking about the past or getting excited about the future. And let's be honest, it's way easy to embrace summer!  Let me tell you why my life's been so great:
  • My mom's birthday. So last Friday was my mom's birthday and she ended up having to drive me to Provo. However, it was so fun to jam to some crazy 80s songs and hear the crazy things she and Melanie did. The next day, we went out to Red Lobster to celebrate. I just love her! I'm super glad she's in my life and the example she provides for me. The second she drove away, I was already sad. 
  • Perfect Thursday evening. So the other day, I came home from work a little bit exhausted. Marisa, being the greatest roommate ever, suggested we make something delicious. So we drove to Macey's, where I found my pure source of happiness: STARBURST JELLY BEANS. I'm fairly certain that nothing makes me happier! :) haha but then we bought ingredients to make what I now call "Chocolate Crack" because it is seriously only chocolate. We then had a huge dance/ lip-sync off with everything from Nicki Minaj to boy bands to Celine Dion. As we were sitting there cracking up, I realized that perfect moments can come at any time. We then made our deliciousness and watched/quoted Swan Princess. So yeah, it was a perfect evening, reminding me that perfect things come when we least expect it. I am SOO glad she is my roommate. 
  • Work! Okay, I already love my job again. I love knowing what I'm doing and I forgot how much I love being at a job where everyone talks and is loud. My internship in DC was super quiet and I forgot how much I love people. I pretty love my co-workers. Kevin and Lincoln (or as I call them, Kevy-Kev and Linx Minx), are basically brothers, so they are HILARIOUS to work with. Look at them hanging this sign:
    They also have this thing called "Whopper Wednesday" where they go get cheap Whoppers. We've since decided to add Milkshake Mondays into the mix, because Mondays can be pretty rough. Let's just say I'm glad to be back working here!
  • Catching up with friends. This past week I had the opportunity to eat lunch with Danny twice, which was so much fun. I realized that even though I have known him for so long, I didn't know a lot of basic things about him, like why he liked running. I'm so glad he's put up with me for so long. And I got to see Michal!! Last Friday, she came over and it was like my other half was here! I don't know how to describe Michal other than to say that she knows me completely, can finish and validate everything I say and still loves me even when I'm telling her I hate Utah. Anyways, it was super good to see them and realized that people do love me! :)
  •  Today I had an epiphany about friendship and marriage. I realized that my truest friends were those who I did not have to apologize to for being myself. This hit me, randomly, while I was walking with Danny to lunch and my voice must have carried pretty far because a guy in the distance turned around. I'm used to people being irritated by how loud I am, so when Danny mentioned that guy must have heard me, I instantly apologized. But, he surprised me by saying that he loves how loud I am. And then I had a similar experience with both Michal and Marisa this week. I apologized to both of them for things that are probably irritating to them, but they both just said they loved it. I was sitting in marriage prep today in church and I realized that I will wait, decades if necessary, for the man who can respect me just the way I am, yet encourage me to be better. My mom always says "it only takes one," which used to bother me a lot but I recently realized it's true because of Marisa. My roommate Marisa and I had led pretty similar non-existent dating lives until recently when she met Jake and everything just worked out. I am so overjoyed at the thought that one day, I will meet someone and it will just work out how it's supposed to be. Also, I just love Marisa and Jake and I AM SO HAPPY FOR THEM!! 
  • Marisa and I went on a run the other day. Yep. I don't know how it happened either. I decided to go, and even though I felt like dying most of the time and had to walk for a few blocks, it was so good to just get in the zone and feel yourself stretching outside your comfort zone. I may have to start running!
  • Saturday! I woke up and watched like 80 Taylor Swift music videos and then Marisa and I went to see the Great Gatsby. I'm still not sure how I felt about it because it was so overwhelming visually and musically, but one thing is for certain, I LOVE the last lines of the book:

It reminded me of DC because I got to see F. Scott Fitzgerald's grave and this is what is on it. I absolutely love when it say that we "tomorrow will run faster, stretch our arms farther." I could go on about it, but let's just say it's one of my favorite quotes. I then got to go to my friend from DC, Catherine's house, where I got to catch up with some of my DC friends. Catherine, who I visit taught (and she visit taught me) is one of the only girls I actually got close to through visiting teaching. 
  • I absolutely loved what my bishop said during testimony meeting last week and I want to write it down so I can remember. He said that in times of spiritual lows, we do not need to compare ourselves to others OR to our more spiritual moments. Because I was going through a spiritual low during that meeting, I loved that he said we shouldn't compare ourselves to the better version of ourselves. It was super important for me to hear this, and I hope I can remember it. 
  • Today, while I was walking home from church and actually admiring how pretty Utah looked, I realized another thing. I have never written myself a love note. I know this sounds weird, but think about it. If you were having a bad day, who better than yourself to cheer you up? So I've decided I'm going to write myself a note about all my good qualities so that some day, in the future (when I'm either crying about not dating someone or that I hate living in Provo), I will have a reminder of this day. 
Anyways, life is great. It is really funny to see how I can transition back into being happy in a MUCH calmer environment than DC. It is so weird to think that a year ago, my favorite moments would be starting to happen (i.e. receiving a letter from President Uchtdorf, meeting my summer roommates and Jess, going on my first date, getting in the Washington Seminar, getting the best internship ever and having the experience of a lifetime in DC). I wish I could go back to that girl last spring who cried every weekend by herself about how her life was miserable. Life is always getting better! I am truly happy in my 'current season' of my life right now, and I encourage you, if you're not feeling happy, to remember that you are where you are supposed to be. That's my little inspirational message for you! Cheesy, but true!  xoxoxo 

P.S. This is my new jam: (It makes me feel like I can do anything!)