
Sunday, October 10, 2010

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference"

So I absolutely love the last line of "The Road Not Taken" because it totally describes my life. Looking back on it, I've always taken the "one less traveled by." Sometimes it was due to something totally out of my control, like coming to summer term at BYU. But now looking back at it, coming in summer HAS "made all the difference."
Here's a list of things I would have missed out on had I not been here:
  • My job. My awesome job full of great co-workers,hilarious boss, my awesome Friday sonnets and those darn Costco muffins! (I'll explain that later!)
  • Meeting all of my the people I did. I don't know what I would do without these girls.
  • Creamies. These are the most delicious ice cream popsicle known to man. I don't know how to explain them. They're just delicious.
  • Cream of Weber Chocolate Milk. (Yes I do realize that the last two items involve food. But seriously I wish I could drink Cream of Weber choco milk every day of my life)
  • Seeing like a zillion apostles in a matter of a few days.
  • Participating in the World's largest water balloon fight. And the shaving cream slide.
This is just a brief list, but I am seriously so thankful looking back on it that I got to be here for summer. I remember being so disappointed at first that I was not admitted to come in fall. But for some strange reason I felt like I was supposed to come here in the summer, and now I know why. I am so thankful that I took the road less traveled by.

And now onto my past couple of weeks...

Two Fridays ago, two of my friends came down from BYU-I. I got to see Katie for only a few minutes but at least I got to see her beautiful face. Clarissa was here for the whole weekend and it was soooo good to have her back! It was totally like old times. We ended up getting these really awesome milkshakes from a really disgusting malt shoppe. Like seriously people it SMELLED horrendously like oil. And uncleanliness. (This is not an exaggeration). We also decided to walk around campus around midnight where we conveniently found this litle circular things. I really don't know how to describe them. But anyways, Madison, Clarissa and I decided to sit in the middle because you can hear your echo if you do. Let's just say hearing your laugh being echo is reason to become more hyper. That's all that will be said for now.

Saturday, which was technically General Conference, we went to the mall because Madison had to work and her work is right by there. So we walk out into the hallway of Madison's dorm and proceeded to be given very dirty looks from all these girls around a TV. That's when we remembered it was General Conference. Yes, I do know that I'm either going to Hades or getting kicked out of BYU because I did not watch conference on Saturday. Don't worry about me though. So we shopped anyways. And I bought the cutest grey boots. They are adorable. If I could marry an inanimate object, it would be these boots. Anyways,we had a great day and ended up going to Chilis with Casey, Sam and Makayla. WAY FUN! :) We also planned our big feast for our General Conference meal.

For General Conference on Sunday, we went over to Casey's (in my pajamas of course!) and watched General Conference. During the break, we colored my hair and ate the beautiful feast of Roast Beef and Sam's rolls. Seriously, I think I gained ten pounds.Anyways, I looked like an idiot with my hair all greased back with dye and my mistmatched pajamas. Needless to say, I'm glad a hott random stranger did not come in. (I'm pretty sure that's the only time I will ever say that, so document it!) So the time came to wash my hair. And as I was watching it, my hair was falling out. Now I know I have a lot of hair, but this was a crapload of hair falling out. So I'm sitting there thinking "Holy cracker! What if I go bald?" but luckily it ended up all good because I realized that was just the normal amount of hair I lose all the time after showering. Clarissa ended up having to leave because she was sick, so that was sad. It was almost as tragic as the time came for me to leave. The weather had been beautiful all week until I opened the door. I had barely walked three steps when it started raining and became windy. I love my luck sometimes.

Monday was a busy day. It all started off beautifully with a poppyseed muffin from Costco. Those puppies are soo delicious. I also got to eat a chicken salad croissant which is like love in a package. (Seriously, I've had one every day for like the last two weeks and they will be served at my wedding!) Casey and I decided to go on an adventure. Actually, Casey wanted to on an adventure. My idea of an adventure is watching Bones in my pajamas while eating 12 gallons of Earnestly Chocolate ice cream. My Family Home Evening was cancelled for the day so I decided to go. We bussed to the mall and I was literally freaking out the whole time thinking we weren't going to get off at the right stop. And then when I saw our stop, I pulled the cord to signal the driver. And realized it was a mandatory stop. So I felt like a massive loser. It's all good though, I'm totally used to this feeling. It was fun and I'm glad I went.

The only really fun thing I did on Tuesday was to hike the Y. This week is homecoming, so they had all this free food and events every day. Carrie, (a girl from my stake back home who crazily enough is in my ward here) , Kristina, Michelle (my roomates) and I hiked the Y. Boy was that a doozy! I felt like I had been transported back in time to when Bishop Carney made us do these crazy "easy" hikes for youth conference. But we got cookies and cocoa afterwards, so it was totally worth it.

Wednesday night was spent at Mr. BYU. Holy cow it was soo funny. I think my favorite part was that they had to complete  service project in order to be considered. What other college would have their contestants partcipate in service?

Thursday I just became so overwhelmed about everything. First of all, I got an overdraft fee which totally should not have been my fault! (Well, I guess I should take responsibility. But I did have enough money for my housing... it was just in the wrong account haha) So I called my dad so he could help me process it. Which he did. I love him for that!

Friday was the best day ever. Besides writing an awesome Friday sonnet, I got to go to a pumpkin patch with Casey, Jacob (Casey's boyfriend... ahem I mean friend that's a boy). It was super fun minus the entirely disgusting porter potty! We got to play in a corn pit. Need I say more? I also got shrimp burrito from Rubio's which is seriously the BEST thing in existence. I went home early though like the loser I am and watched Bones.

Saturday was spent writing a stupid seven-page essay for Anthropology and doing my laundry. (My sheets now smell like my house! YAY!) Then it was game time. The football game was soo ridiculously fun. First of all we had really good seats. And second of all, we were actually winning!! It was soo fun. Afterwards we had dessert and watched part of a scary movie at Caseys.

Today has been excellent. Church was good and I got a lot of homework done. I also got to talk to Kelly and Cassandra. How I have missed those two. Kelly, Cassie and I are planning on doing a Mormon Soap Opera. So stay tuned for that sometime in the future. Also, Cassie and I have decided that we want to stand on the equator. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE?!! You could always trump somebody's story. For example: "I've been to England." That's when Cassie and I would say "Well yeah. We've walked on the equator" and then thanks to Kaitlyn (one of my friends from summer) I would probably say "Zing!" We also had breakfast for dinner with these two crazy guys in our ward which was fun.Anyways I love those two. Another random tidbit, there's this RM in my ward who served in Scranton, Pennslyvania. So yes, I do want to be friends with him.

Another random tidbit. BYU's library is ranked number three in the nation, behind only Harvard and Princeton. How cool is that?!? I mean I knew our library was awesome, but wowza. And second random tidbit. Our testing center is the largest in the nation. So basically while analyzing this in my brain, I came to the realization that BYU students must study longer in the library and take more tests than anyone else in the nation. Just saying...;)
And last but not least, my favorite quotes of the week. My favorite was probably my dad. We were talking about when he finally get his porsche when he said "When I get my porsche, the garage will be like the holy of holies. Nobody wil be allowed in." My second favorite is courtesty of Kaitlyn, "He's such a tool. Atually no, he's like all the tools. He's the toolbox."

Well this has been super long and not funny, so I'm sorry you had to read through that. I love you all. I can't wait to come home for Thanksgiving. I LOVE IT HERE! :)


  1. I love reading your long posts! I have so many comments, I don't know where to begin.
    1st, Holy Guacamole! My school totally has an echo spot too! It is right in front of the chapel and the coolest part of it is that only the person speaking can hear the echo.
    2nd, I have already fake married an inanimate object too! If I could, I would marry my awesome long shorts that go down to my knees. Technically they are guy shorts so...
    3rd, I LOVE your idea of an adventure.
    4th,your library is probably so highly ranked due to that great video. (I've showed everyone on my floor it)
    5th, I was super psyched to see me in the blog again. It makes my day (next to talking to you of course). I can't wait for three way video skype!!

  2. haha kelsey! I love your wit and charm. lol So excited for Jason Derulo. Oh and you know what quote you forgot? "Just call me Kelsey Derulo! lol
