The above quote was actually found in my reading for my Civilization English class in the play "Measure for Meausre." (Which by the way is pretty scandalous for BYU, it's basically all about infidelity...) Anyways, I really love it! I seriously doubt everything and fear most things. For those who don't know, I do this thing called "Fear of the Day." We've all heard the idea that we should do one thing a day that scares us, and I took it to heart. So my list of conquered fears is pretty hefty but here are some highlights: eating cheese, ordering my own food, setting up my loan, talking to an admissions counselor, going a day without shoes (But let's be honest here, it was only a few hours!) answering a question in Church History even though I was the only freshman, and attempting (but failing!) to go a day without looking in a mirror. I would totally advocate for this. Yes, I know most of my 'fears' are normal every day things, but just go with me. Anyways, now onto some highlights of the past few weeks:
- Well first off is my extremely awkward situation I recently got myself into. Through some unfortunate circumstances, I walked into a Victoria's Secret for perfume... Yep I know what you're thinking, but it's true. The lady ringing me up asked me if I wanted a rewards card. And when you're a naive 18 year-old, of course the word "reward" sounds exciting. Unfortunately, it turned out that it was a credit card. So in addition to the free super adorable pink and black bag that says "Angel," I also got myself a super awkward credit card with a certain meaning behind it. And now comes the juicy bit. My Omi had recently sent me a check so I went to the bank to deposit it. While there, I asked the GUY who was helping me how to order checks and he instructed me that I could pay my tithing online. He was going to set up bill pay because I told him I had never used it before. He looks at it briefly then glances at me somewhat nervously. He then turns a dark red. Then came those fateful words: "You actually have used bill pay." "For what?" I stupidly ask. "To pay off your Victoria's Secret bill." Yep, this actually happened. I'm sitting there with a RM BYU student discussing how I paid off my Victoria's Secret bill. But don't worry, as if my life doesn't need more cruel ironies, this story does not end. He then told me he was going to run my credit score report. I, thinking nothing of it, assured him I wouldn't mind waiting ( I mean, we've already been through a lot in the past few minutes, and he WAS cute.) So he pulls it up and shows me the credit cards I have on file. He says I have two, gives me a knowing smile and I still have NO clue what's going on until he says "It looks like you have two credit cards. Your bank card and (here is a long, awkard pause) your Victoria's Secret card." He then looks at me dead pan and says, "Shop there often?" Can we say super awkward? And all because I had to have a stupid rewards card. Let's just say lesson learned.
- Now onto another cruel irony. My friend Madison invited me to the opening of an 18+ club called Studio 600 and because I am usually anti-social, I decided to actually go even though I had work in the morning. We arrived and found that in adittion to being in the sketch part of Provo, it was an actual legit dancing night. As in the waltz, salsa, two step. All that jazz. Guess who doesn't know any dances? This girl! So it was super awkward and uber boring. And I was a bit (who am I kidding? I was SUPER) grumpy. So Hailey, Madison's roomate was super nice and offered to go somewhere else to wait. So we ended up going to the grocery store. And so that's how I ended spending my Thursday night at a grocery store. Talk about irony. The one night I try to be social I end up in a grocery store.
- Dr. Condoleezza Rice came and spake in a forum for BYU and it was uber incredible. Her emphasis on family and the importance of finding something you're passionate about was inspirational and made me seriously consider what I wanted to do with my life. She is uber incredible.
- Hanging out with Michal this weekend was also pretty awesome. We ended up chilling in her apartment, making pizza and brownies and watching The Swan Princess. And of course, we ended up planning my wedding. I don't really know how it got to that, but I now know that I want a Jewish "oompa" circle at my reception. (Don't ask)
- I also had the opportunity to go to this laser tag place that had been rented out by a DJ. So there was glow-in-the-dark golf and dancing. And it was pretty fun! Afterwards, we got breakfast burritos and they were SUPER delicious.
- I also got released as Ward Bulletin Director which was kind of sad because not only was it pretty easy, I actually enjoyed it. I was sad when I knew I was getting a new calling until I actually received it. I am now a Ward Missionary. In Provo. For my BYU ward. So basically I'll be not doing a super whole lot, but am excited to visit with the 5 people in our ward boundaries (four apartment buildings by the way) that are not Mormon.
- Another exciting event was figuring out what day I want to get married on. Now I know what you're thinking people but I'll explain the story. On 1/11/11 at 11:11, I wanted to make a super wish. Because my boss Debbie knows that I always wish on the time, she leans out her office and says, "Kelsey, you're going to end up getting married on a weird day like that." So I decided I would narrow it down a little. My favorite month is April. And I'm an English nerd, so I Googled and found out that April 23 is "Talk like Shakespeare" day. Since my favorite day is Thursday, I will have to get married in 2015. That gives me four years to find a suitable young man that somewhat resembles David Boreanaz from Bones.
- You remember how I mentioned how I freaking love my professor, Rachel Cope? Well she does like these little meetings where a bunch of girls get together and do some activity and then discuss random topics. So she invited us to a French Toast breakfast and discussion about Relief Society. It was way fun and I absolutely loved it!
- Last night Michelle (one of my roomates) and I went over to Sam Hickenlooper's apartment. (I had to state his full name because his last name is freaking awesome). We watched Charly and I bawled like a baby. Seriously, could that movie get sadder? Good thing I had my snuggling purple blanket. Also, all the boys over there get massive brownie points for singing "Kelsey" by Metro Station while I was there.
- I figured out all the things I wanted to do with my life and assembled an official Bucket list. You can view it here:!/album.php?id=538404895&aid=359877.
Favorite quotes of the week include "I hate walking behind short people. They always walk SO slowly. It's like hurry up and move those tiny legs!"-Me upon walking behind an uber short person. Tad, one of my bosses upon hearing Michal and I discussing our future children's names "Kelsey, are you baby hungry?" haha so good times! "I really think we should change our friendship song from 'Concrete Angel' (the one by Martina McBride which is super sad and about abuse)"- Me. Danny's response? "I don't know. It's kind of tradition. I mean you are an abusive person." ( I really hope he doesn't read this because otherwise he'll be super mad that I've conveyed him in such a harsh way...)
And now onto my new favorite quote. All I can say is C.S. Lewis totally nailed this on the head:
"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself."
-C.S. Lewis
Isn't that beautiful? So even though it is EXTREMELY frustrating when things don't go you're way, I'm learning to accept things for the way they are because ultimately they will help me become a "palace." After all, I AM a princess.
I hope everyone's doing well and that you have time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life including (but not limited to) snuggling, hot chocolate and reading a good book in your pajamas. Love you all!