
Monday, December 26, 2016

"This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure."-Winston Churchill

Okay so it's been awhile. I've been stuck in "Vacation Kelsey" mode for a long time. Vacation Kelsey is fun and does whatever she wants. But responsible Kelsey is back. So here's an update! I've been quite busy. I love this quote by Churchill because I feel like every few months, I auto evaluate and realize that I've gotten stuck in a rut, either spiritually or emotionally or both. I love figuring out how I can be better and make goals to become the person I need to be. Basically, "it IS time to dare and endure."

My goal for 2017 comes from an experience I had a few weeks ago in the temple. My friend Katrina and I wanted to do a session, so we met up a few minutes before we thought it started. Only, it turns out there wasn't a session for another two hours haha. So we decided to do initiatories. I was slightly upset because I had really wanted to do a session because I really needed the assurance that I was doing all that I should be doing. However, Heavenly Father is great! What I really needed to hear was the words for the initiatory session. I had been wondering if my efforts in the gospel were enough or if I should be doing more. And while in the temple, hearing all these words and blessings, I realized Heavenly Father was pleased with my effort. I think the reason I love the temple the most is because it is a direct connection with Heavenly Father. It is just pure and you know whatever you feel is real. Which, in a world so focused on fakeness and instant happiness, is so reassuring. We went to the celestial room and I was just so happy and felt the spirit so strongly. I honestly could have stayed in there forever. It's the closest feeling to being in heaven one can have here on earth. It's the best! Anyway, my goal for 2017 is to do everything with a pure and honest heart. It's fairly simple written out, but acting on it might be different. However, I am so grateful that Heavenly Father allows me opportunities to become better and serve His children. It's so wonderful!

This year the church wanted to do 25 days of service. I was kind of slacking in this department and felt horrible. So I told Heavenly Father to give me opportunities and I'd take them. Last Monday, I went to a Nuggets game with Danny and his brother and sister in-law. I felt like I needed to leave early to get to their house. This wasn't too unusual. I am early to everything. As I was driving, I saw a woman and her young daughter walking in freezing weather. Not wanting to be creepy, but still wanting to help, I rolled down my window and asked her if she needed a ride. (I had promised myself that when I finally had my own car, I would help out anyone who didn't because I knew how that felt!)  She said yes, so I picked her up and took her to the store. It was just a ten minute diversion for my night, but so helpful for her. It was a very tender experience and a reminder of my mission when we would show up at the exact time someone needed help. How cool is it that Heavenly Father trusts us to help His children? It's so great. And so humbling.

I just wanted to share a quick lesson I learned today from my scripture study. I was reading Helaman 2 and I loved this verse: "And there being but little timber upon the face of the land, nevertheless the people who went forth became exceedingly expert in the working of cement; therefore they did build houses of cement." This really hit me today because I realized I often look around for 'timber' and when I see none, I complain or get angry. When in reality, Heavenly Father has given us ample resources. Sometimes we just see what we don't have and focus on that so much that we choose not to be grateful for the abundance of things we do have. We just need to be humble and grateful enough to look for the other resources he has given us. We don't need to sit and complain about our lack of timber, when we have cement waiting for us. This is another goal of mine for 2017: no complaining. IT IS GOING TO BE HARD. But I am determined with divine help that I can do it!

And here are some main bullet points of what's been going on:

  • Never will I ever. Yep, I am still doing that. Actually, I have to say I love running. A lot. Which is super weird. I also discovered that while I hate the texture of cheese, I really do love the taste. I also booked a yolocation to Arizona on a Monday and flew out that Friday. But more on that later. Mostly, I really like giving things chances. Sometimes I find I still hate it. I still hate calling people. I still don't like staying up late. But there are always opportunities for growth and it's awesome to keep on trying new things. 
  • I am leaving Otterbox. I loved the company but wasn't fond of my job. So I had found another part time job and was working both. I am now going to transition more full-time with that job and I am super excited about it. I working with young adults with disabilities and help with life skills so they can be more independent. It is so rewarding and I love it! I am super excited! 
  • Arizona reunion. SO MUCH FUN. Chelsea snapped me on Monday and asked me why I wasn't coming to Arizona because Hilse (Hna. Alonzo) was going to be there and it was Kennedy's wedding. I thought about it and was like hmm why am I not going? So within twenty minutes, I had scheduled my flight for that Friday. Which is something I would never have done before my goal of trying things I had said I'd never do. IT WAS SO SO MUCH FUN. Chels and I had the best time. She's so much fun and it was just like one big intercambio. I love hanging out with mission friends because there's no pressure. They have literally seen you at your worst physically, spiritually and emotionally. I got into Chels' car at the airport and mentioned how sweaty my face was. Then I laughed, because she literally had never seen me without a sweaty face ha. The best part was surprising Hilse at the airport because she had no clue I was coming. We also got to see Ashley at Kennedy's wedding and it was awesome. Chels and I had a blast and ate a ton of food. It was so worth it! We also got to FINALLY listen to all of Taylor Swift's 1989 CD like we talked about so much on our mission. I know I say it all the time, but I am so happy I served a mission! I did have a rather funny thing happen to me at the airport. I was wearing my new sparkly sweater (pictured below) and the lady at the security gate told me to cover it up, or it would set off the system and she would have to do a pat down. I couldn't really do that since I didn't have anything to cover it with, so I got my pat down. The attractive blonde man behind me leans over behind me and goes "wow, that was a funny conversation to overhear." I replied, "well, that's the most action I've ever gotten." "In public?"-random man. "No, ever. I'm Mormon."-me "Oh well that's a shame."And then he winks at me, and walks away. Sometimes I can't believe the weird things that happen to me and how quickly I tell people I'm LDS. It makes me laugh. Anyway, Arizona was a success! 
  • I bought a car! It is a 2008 CR-V and I love it. I've been looking to get a car for awhile now, but due to some credit things, it wasn't a smart decision until now. So it finally worked out and I love it!!! It's so nice having your own car. Plus seat warmers. 
Anyhoodle, that is life! Just working hard and playing hard. Here's to a happy 2017 everybody! 

The famous grinch waffle! 
My dad and I when we went to Star Wars! 

Blossoms of light at Botanical Gardens. 

The "before we ate a hamburger, fries and shake at 11:30 pm" picture 
The after. By the way, no man came to rescue us. 
Hermana Alonzo and I reunited! 

The hermanas at Hermana Curtis' wedding! 

Chels and Kels sleighing it. 

Typical Las Americas reunion. 


My beautiful Honda CR-V. 

The best present I received this year, courtesy of Erika. 

The christmas party we threw! 

My favorite puppy who was named Trump... 

Otterbox Christmas party! 

Christmas baking with Jess! 

CSU game!