
Saturday, August 13, 2016

"To some people, not caring is supposed to be cool... I'm not interested in those kinds of people. I like the person who commits and goes all in and takes big swings and then maybe fails or looks stupid; who jumps and falls down, rather than the person who points at the person who fell and laughs."-Amy Pohler

This blog post may or may not be an ode to how much I love Amy Pohler. She is a boss woman. POHLER FOR PRESIDENT. But not just her, I also love the character she plays, Leslie Knope, on Parks and Recreation. Her character Leslie is crazy. She is super passionate and gets into everything way seriously and way quickly. She celebrates friendaversaries, and loves birthdays and always goes the extra mile. She gets stuff done. People who know me and have seen that show, always compare me to her. And I loved it. Until recently, I've felt pressure to not be like that. And I've decided, screw that! Embrace the Knope. She is such a boss. And I love this quote by Amy. Mostly because I do care a lot. Even about people I may have just met. Thanks to my friend Erika and a great book she lent me, I've made the goal to talk to everyone. (Just like my mission days!) And it's been great because I can be even more of a Leslie once I know more people. I bought a co-worker who I had just met cupcakes for his birthday and sent a Book of Mormon to someone else I had just met. Miracles come from compassion and caring. And so, from now on, I am going to  keep caring. And caring a lot. I am going to call you reminding you that a year ago to the day, we were putting an appointment with the hamburger man who lived down the street in the DR. Or that six years ago to this date, I helped you scavenge your retainer from the garbage bin.  I will try not to suffocate you with how much I care, but be warned! Also, everyone should read Eat Pray Love because I love this quote:

If I love you, you can have everything. You can have my time, my devotion, my money, my family, my dog, my dog’s money, my dog’s time—everything. If I love you, I will carry for you all your pain, I will assume for you all your debts (in every definition of the word), I will protect you from your own insecurity, I will project upon you all sorts of good qualities that you have never actually cultivated in yourself and I will buy Christmas presents for your entire family. I will give you the sun and the rain, and if they are not available, I will give you a sun check and a rain check. 
This is how I have always felt about friendship and I am sure it will transfer over to whatever relationship I have in the future. It's true. I care and I care a lot. And that leads me onto what I've been doing with my life.

I've been in a weird dark and twisty place the past month. Friday was supposed to be my last day at my temp job. In a few days, I was supposed to be heading to Georgetown, becoming a boss and saving all the refugees in the world. That's how I envisioned it anyway. This past month has been learning about who I am and what I need to be doing with my life. I have been attending the temple and reading my scriptures and doing everything and I was not getting any answers. I even got a job in Salt Lake that was all about helping women with their self esteem. Can anyone say, dream come true? It would have been a very basic job but it would have been helping. And right after it was offered to me, I knew I shouldn't take it. It was super frustrating. Until last week.

I was fasting and I felt prompted to look up teaching English as a Second Language degrees after reading my mission journal. I mentioned every single week in my journal in the beginning how much I loved teaching English class. About a year ago, I had a strong prompting while on my mission that I was not going to Georgetown and that I was going to be a teacher. I remember the moment vividly as I was traveling to our mission office and I had a two and half hour bus drive. I was looking at the window, thinking about home (I wasn't usually this trunky haha but it was Christmas time) and thinking to myself what I was going to do. And I just felt this reassuring peace and a sweet nudge from the spirit letting me know I should teach english. I had long forgotten about that until I was reading my mission journal. The next day, Erika texted me and randomly told me I should look at online programs. And that was also an answer to my prayers. I felt the sweet assurance that I should get a degree in Teaching English as a Second Language. And if that wasn't enough, (because let's be honest, I am a tough cookie to crack), I had the prompting to re-watch this video which is a video of my mission president talking about unity. ( I LOVE THAT MAN!) But, I had already seen it. And so I was confused as to why I should watch it again. And then, the next video came on. And I legit don't know where it is anymore, but it was a video about a woman teaching refugees English. Tears flowed from my eyes. I've always had this gift where I have insta-revelation. Where, all of the sudden, I just KNOW I need to do something. However, since my mission, it hasn't happened that way. Except now. So I don't know why I still need to be in Fort Collins while I do my degree online, but I do know that I need to be here. Heavenly Father is so kind and loving!

I've also had so much fun for birthday week! I went to see my cousin in a play that was about being a boss woman (she was the lead pirate) and went out for dinner with Erika. My dad took me to sushi because he is the best. No one else will go with me. We had fun and went for ice cream and bought cookie butter. I also had the opportunity to go out with the spanish speaking sisters. It reminded me of my mission so much! <3. And then, I got to Skype Hermana Alonzo for the first time! I hadn't talked to her in 4 1/2 months since she was still in the DR. She saved my skin on my mission for so many reasons and it was so great to hear from her!! I love that lady! On my actual birthday, my papa made banana pancakes and my omi made plantains! I went and hung out with my dad at work and then ate Subway. (That tradition is still very much alive. I think it's been over 12 years now that I've eaten there for my birthday). I then ate a bunch of food and hung out with my mom. We ended the evening at Red Robin, another tradition. It was super fun!! As I was driving home, I talked to Lindsey (who bought me the best birthday cards ever. Literally a card with Hillary on it). And then I finished the night listening to Hello by Adele on full volume.  Pretty sure being 24 has been really nice. Yay for birthday week. My dad even wrote on my Facebook wall, so I am pretty sure my birthday was the best. Because that doesn't ever happen.

Last night was awesome. I had the opportunity to go through the Fort Collins temple. I just love the temple. Ever since I gained my testimonies that families are forever, it is always my favorite place to be. Yes, sometimes it's tough. But I loved seeing all the artwork and then walking into the sealing room. The last time I was in a sealing room was my first week on my mission. It was my only P day in the MTC and for some 'random' reason, my district was assigned to do proxy sealings. I really REALLY did not want to participate. But I was chosen to be a daughter. And even though I knew hardly any Dominican spanish, I understood everything the sealer said. And from that moment on, my testimony about the sealing ordinance, or the ability to be with my family forever, started to bloom again. It's real. It'll happen. I'm not quite sure about the logistics in my family. but I do know that it all works out. And for now, that is just what I am going to hope in and for: an eternal family. Its an excellent goal and I will strive for nothing less. Because I want to be with my family forever. Even if they are super weird and send me crazy snapchats.

I also want everyone to read this talk by Marvin J. Ashton. It is the best. It talks about how the gospel is not a checklist. It doesn't matter if you have been baptized, gone on a mission or even gone through the temple or been sealed. You haven't 'made it' until you are in the celestial kingdom. I get fed up with people who treat the gospel like a checklist. Like "well, I went on my mission, All that's left is getting married." FALSE. All that is left is enduring to the end. Doing everything Heavenly Father asks of us. One piece at at time. The fifth step of the gospel of Jesus Christ is enduring to the end, not getting married. Not going on a mission. Not having kids. It's about being a valiant disciple of Christ day in and out until you are at His feet. That's why the gospel is great. With constant refining, we will ultimately make our goal of living with our families forever. And better yet, we will be more prepared to do so!

And on a final note, everyone should listen to the new OneRepublic song because it's the best:

Anyway, here are some pictures of the recent adventures I've had:

Ice Cream night with the oldest and youngest granddaughters! 
Night time swim party with Erika!
Birthday picture with BOTH of my brothers smiling. #winning 
Sushi with the only person who will go with me- my dad!
Exclusive temple tour! 
They're cute. 
Do we look a like at all? NOPE. 

Love this sister of mine! 
And my sweet little brother! 
Yay for family and birthdays!