I recently decided to start a blog because I feel like I don't want to overwhelm everyone on facebook with my constant updates!
So to begin, I'm going to sum up my awesome first summer at the Y in just ten short excerpts (In really no particular order):
10. I recently turned 18 on August 10. Which of course happened to be a reading day, or the "everybody-be-quiet-it's-the-day-before-finals" day. But my awesome roomates went with me to Chilis. And when I came home, it was an epic surprise party complete with balloons, streamers and cupcakes! It was soo awesome. It was like the best birthday you could have in Utah. I got the best presents ever as well, but those are going to remain anonymous at this time...
9. Getting a job was quite the process as well. I applied to a gazillion jobs until I finally got a job interview at the BYU MBA (the business school here). I can still remember being in physical science when Debbie called offering me the job. It was an incredibly awesome moment. I started on August 9, and I have loved it! My job is never the same every day which I love. I also love my awesome co-workers and all the craziness that comes with them. My boss is incredible as well and is so nice it's ridiculous! I LOVE it here!
8. While here, I also got called to serve as service co-chairman. It was so cool to actually hold a calling, but it definitely was NOT cool to have to be at church at 9, which is an hour and a half earlier than everybody else, to be at ward council! But it's all good. I absolutely loved doing this. While being the chairman, I got to help facilitate a blood drive and service project, which we did at DI.
7.The first day of church was really weird. First of all, you barely know anyone. And then you walk to a 'conference center' which turns out to be all these lecture rooms. So yeah, I didn't really know anyone and I had sacrament in a theater seating room. It was WAY weird. I then went to Relief Society for the first time which was uber weird as well. But I survived, and my ward turned out to be awesome!
6. The first day being here was stressful and chaotic but once I got rid of my mom (just kidding, I love you!) Sam and I headed to the New Student Orientation at the Wilk, where we proceeded to joust. With fake jousts stuffed full of air. We were the only girls. So yeah, it was a bit awkward, but this random guy came up to us and convinced us to do it. And I, having NO physical ability whatsoever, was pretty much dominated by Sam, my 4' 11" roomate... We then participated in this Win a Date thing. And the guy who you could win a date from was actually in my ward. But I'm not going to mention any more about him because he was a jerky, arrogant BYU boy. (As so many of them can be!) Anyways, the rest of the night, Sam and I had a blast talking about Seinfeld, and that's when I realized I had an incredible roomate!
5. I think one of my favorite moments was the first week our FHE group met.(Family Home Evening groups. Basically they take a girl's dorm of six and a guy's dorm of six and they become a 'family' and they do activities on Mondays). It was soo fun. We made up a rap to introduce our 'family' to the ward. It was soo fun and I loved my FHE brothers. They were hilarious. Check it out here :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bXG2UUqawc
4. Randomly going to Five Guys with Taylor, Madison, Makayla and I was also another great night! Taylor is from Colorado as well, and Madison and I were craving those darn Five Guys burgers. So of course we coereced him into taking us! So we went to Five Guys where they had Fry Sauce!!! And then being random, we decided to go to Sub-Zero icecream. Sub-Zero is this awesome icecream place where they take raw ingredients and nitrogren freeze them into icecream. It was delicious! :) I do believe we watched a movie underneath the Bell Tower that night as well. And somehow we wound up at Walmart at 2 in the morning where I bought a badly needed iTunes card. Anyways, it was good night!
3. On July 23, we didn't have school due to the crazy Utah holiday called "Pioneer Day," so BYU decided to stage the world's largest water balloon fight. Holy cow! I did not know what I was getting into. We all got there, got shirts (which are super cute!) and then kind of waited on a HUGE field. And then, all 4,000 of us each got a bag of 30 balloons. At around noon, we were allowed to start throwing them. Let me tell you, I will NEVER appreciate a measley water balloon fight anymore because that was just so fun. My roomate Makayla and I were in the second row and seriously got drenched in like thirty seconds. After the epicness, we got to go and get a free lunch complete with creamery icecream. It was a great day!
2. I got to meet the "New Spice" guy at Denny's at one in the morning. For those of you who don't know, some guy from Humor U decided to do a video advertisement for our library here, and it was in the Old Spice style. It's hilarious! Anyways, we were at Denny's at one in the morning (yes, I do know that for some of you who knew me before college, you're thinking no way would Kelsey stay up that late. But I did!) I REALLY wanted a picture with him, so I asked my waitress to ask him. So he came over, introduced himself to me and then we took a huge group picture. And sadly, in the above mentioned picture, I'm not standing right next to him. But right before that picture was taken, he totally patted my head. Now, if he was taller than me, he totally would have been the perfect man!!
1. And finally, the best part of my summer was meeting my awesome roomates. Sam, who was my actual roomate was incredible! She likes seinfeld and icecream so she's pretty much my best friend. Makayla, Hannah, Chelsea, and Sara Grace were also uber incredible as well. I was so lucky to be blessed with the best roomates ever! LOVE YOU GIRLS!
And now, you're probably sick of me. But it's hard to sum up a fantastic summer at the best college in the nation (that was for my dad) in the summer. Anyways, I can't wait to be a returning freshman in the fall! (That's right, I have 18 credits!) BYU COUGAR PRIDE ALL THE WAY!! :)